Sunday, January 9, 2022

Keep Looking Up!


Just wanted to share that video. 

I have to apologize with how I ended the last blog post. The Lord has shown me a powerful truth concerning what I said. I was questioning whether Jesus was coming back any time soon because when I look up all I see are chem trails. That is exactly what the adversary wants people to think. The enemy wants you looking down at your phone. But if you happen to look up, he wants you to see how he is destroying everything that the Father has created, and make you doubt His promises.

It's been an interesting week. My new trainer has already tried to sabotage me but the Lord helped me. I told her that I couldn't set up my voicemail because it was saying that my number was invalid. I sent her several emails and she was very short with me. Kind of acting like I was an idiot because I wanted someone to help me set it up. I sent several emails and nothing was done. Thankfully, my boss decided to have an impromptu meeting on Friday and when she asked me if I had any questions, I told her about my voicemail situation. 10 minutes later the situation was resolved. In the same meeting (the trainer was not available to be there) my boss (who is very sweet) introduced me to others on my team that I can ask if I have questions. I am certainly not going to be asking my trainer any further questions. 

Although my husband is too sick to cook, or get around, he has been busy selling stuff on e-bay. He just sold something for a significant amount which caught us up on several bills and he bought a regular size fridge. We have been using what is essentially a tiny fridge like you might see in a college dorm room for months. There was no room in it for fruits and veggies. The new fridge is awesome and seems huge. Now, I finally have the beer fridge I've always wanted, except that I don't drink anymore! (LOL just kidding! Sort of.) He's already put an ad up to sell the tiny fridge.

Well, I'm busy doing laundry and I made some pasta salad. Gotta go clean the beer, er, I mean tiny fridge now. Have a good Sunday!

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