Tuesday, November 14, 2023

To Choke or Not to Choke – That is the Question

So last week, the latest manufactured controversy was the news that Homer Simpson would no longer be strangling Bart due to the fact that it was just not politically correct.

REPORT: The Simpsons Will No Longer Show Homer Strangling Bart Because ‘Times Have Changed’

In response – and X'er named Oilfield Rando responded, “Times have changed. It’s not okay to choke your children. It is ok to pump them full of chemical castration pills and start chopping up their genitals if necessary.” Very astute.

This week, we are told, that no, Homer will continue to choke Bart, following a 30 year tradition.

UPDATE: Co-Creator of ‘The Simpsons’ Says Homer WILL Continue to Strangle Bart: ‘Nothing’s Getting Tamed’

Phew. Glad that was all cleared up.

In other news, I was going to write a blog post on this news report:

Plunging US Demand Hits Beyond Meat Revenues

But it became a rabbit hole so deep that I had to abandon the idea lest I would have to write a whole book about it. So I'm just going to mention a few things. I guess now that the newness has worn off, people just aren't buying fake meat. The numbers were down last year as well.

The whole reason they even starting making fake meat was of course, climate change. Save the planet, kill the people.

Along those lines – there is now such a thing as the Flexitarian Diet.

“The Flexitarian Diet is a style of eating that encourages eating mostly plant-based foods while allowing meat and other animal products in moderation. It’s more flexible than fully vegetarian or vegan diets. If you’re looking to add more plant foods to your diet but don’t want to completely cut out meat, going flexitarian may be for you.”

It's a way to get those meat eaters to eat some fake meat. Another way of course – which I think they are trying now – is to raise real meat prices to astronomical levels, forcing people to purchase the fake meat. Up until recently the fake stuff was more expensive than the real.

For example, I recently bought a roast that was less than two pounds but cost almost 10 bucks. A less than two pound package of ground beef was almost 9 dollars. Highway robbery considering the fact that I live in cattle country. Even still, I will not be buying or eating any fake meat. I sincerely hope Beyond Meat crashes and burns along with the rest of the fake meat producers.  

They will just come up with something else, I suppose. Maybe The La Cucaracha Diet?

That's all for now – Take care out there.


Peteforester said...

I commented to a couple of my friends about a "BEYOND" "burger" joint in the workd in my town. There it was; a billboard proclaiming "COMING SOON! A new "BEYOND" location!" I'm sure it'll be followed by a "GOING EVEN SOONER" billboard... Given the number of carnivores in my town, someone OBVIOUSLY didn't read the room here...

wendyworn said...

just the idea makes me nauseous.

Cederq said...

You don't want roach burgers? Look at all they eat! A diet you can stick too... Because according to the powers that want to be, it is all you can afford or buy on your new digital monopoly money.

I don't watch the Simpsons, very childish and sophomoric at a level I can't stand.

wendyworn said...

I watched the simpsons when it first came out but that was a couple of decades ago.

Johno said...

We need more GMO food! I reckon that making lettuce or celery taste like crispy bacon is a great idea, Miss Wendyworn. As for The Simpsons, it’s probably too high-brow humour for cranky-pants Cederq, he doesn’t get the jokes, straight through to the wicket-keeper!