Sunday, October 13, 2024

Free Range Judy

So far, I'm totally loving my new job. I have my own office and a mini-fridge. I believe at some point in the future, I'm going to get a little coffee maker in there for that 3pm slump.

One of the women in charge met with me on my first full day (Thursday) to go over my responsibilities. The day I went in for the drug test (Tuesday) she called me Judy. Wednesday, when I came in to watch the training videos (which were videos on how to care for Dementia patients – not how to do my job) she stopped in to see me and called me Judy again. This time I corrected her with my real name. I took the blame for not correcting her the first time. We laughed about it and she said she may still call me Judy occasionally as a joke.

I was filling out a time card because I didn't have an employee number yet to clock in. It needed a supervisor's signature. I asked her if she was my supervisor. She said, “I don't know” and told me I didn't need a signature. I asked if I need to take my breaks or my lunch at a certain time. She said, “No, you're kind of free range.” Wow, I like that. The bottom line is, no one is micro-managing me. Sweet.

Part of my responsibilities is ordering supplies but the supply rooms are in total disarray. There are duplicate supplies in several rooms scattered through out the facility so starting day one, I began taking inventory – going room to room so we have an idea of what supplies we have where. It's a huge job and will take me a while. After two days I'm only half way through room 1 and there are possibly 10 rooms altogether.

I will attend morning staff meetings with all the important people. For my first meeting I let them know where I was in inventorying and that when I was finished, I would bring it back to the group so we could decide together where we eventually want everything. The Administrator came to my office afterwards and shut the door. He told me I did an excellent job in the meeting and to keep up the good work. It's only day three but it's already in the running for best job ever.

This job, and the entire atmosphere of the place, is the polar opposite of working for the witches at the last place. Witches in the literally sense. All memories of which are starting to fade like a long ago nightmare.

At the end of the day on Friday, my not-supervisor stopped by to let me know she was leaving work and that she is very excited that I am working here now. She said, “Have a great weekend Judy!” We laughed.

I'm actually looking forward to Monday.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Good for you! Those kinds of jobs are rare as polished hen's teeth!

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear you're happy at the new job, and I hope things keep improving. They sound a bunch of good people, so you should fit in very well,
Best wishes
Ian J