Saturday, November 2, 2024

My Observations on Water Towers

(Just as an aside, my job is still awesome, and everything is well with me. Still incredibly busy, but I did want to talk about water towers.)

I see many interesting things on my 40 minute drive back and forth to work. I'd like to talk to you about what I've witnessed about the moon on my drive, but I don't have the time for the proper research. Maybe next month.

So, let's talk about the water towers I've seen. There are two water towers I've seen in Abilene. This one:

and this one:

There is also one in Solomon:

Water Towers are cool. But the water tower I would like to discuss is called Ottawa RWD 2 that is near the road, fairly close to where I work. This water tower bugs me to no end. First of all, it doesn't look like the other water towers I've seen. It looks very similar to this:

but reminds me of this:

Now, maybe I'm just a kook (and who knows, I probably am.) Coming home from work, Ottawa RWD 2 is on the left side of the road. On more than one occasion, on the right side of the road, I have seen a very tight formation of birds fly straight towards the tower only to suddenly, as a group, turn aside and go the opposite direction. Over and over they fly in crazy circles across from the water tower. I have not seen the birds in the area act like that anywhere else.

We interrupt this post to bring you some educational videos concerning Tesla Towers:

Maybe it's just me, but if you wanted to hide a Tesla Tower in plain sight, maybe you would tell the local population that it was a newfangled water tower and wait till they all fell back asleep. I could be wrong, but it is highly suspect in my book. Anyway....

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.

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