Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Incontinence Training

I can't go into details, although I would like to, but apparently, I need to be re-educated on incontinence training so that I can be more compliant with the globalist agenda on board with the new technology coming down the road. See video below. Coming to an adult diaper near you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wow. Blizzards, Tornados AND Fires.

Yeah. All in a day's work. 

Plus, some idiot at work decided to test positive for the C-word and now all hell has broken loose. I let them know that it will be a cold day in hell before I'm taking a test and I won't be wearing a mask. Who needs bird flu when you have the gift that keeps on giving. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Transcendence Re-Imagined

Weirdly came across this video. Only 6 hours old. If they are telling you about it, the technology is already old. This is spiritual, and not in a good way. 

It reminded me of the movie Transcendence. If you haven't seen it, you really should. It could possibly be our future. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Beyond Brrr

I know I need to post more often, and not to be a big whiner, but this winter is really kicking my ass. After a month with no water it was finally on again. Then it was off, then it was on. It just won't stay above freezing long enough. Current status: off.

It snowed last Wednesday so I stayed home, but when I drove to work on Thursday, my heater in the car decided not to work and my fingers and toes were so cold I was worried about frostbite. It was actually painful. Thank God they warmed up once I got there.

Now we are expecting the Mother of All Snowstorms on Tuesday. It's supposed to be worse then the first one. Wonderful. A bunch of us were standing outside at work the other day. I was talking about all the weather warfare going on and our very young maintenance man said that of all the conspiracy theories out there, he couldn't buy into chemtrails. I pointed up to the sky and said, so you think that big X up there is a natural cloud formation? He shrugged and took a drink of his pop and I added, “Probably brought to you by Pfizer.” He laughed and choked on his Pepsi.

So welcome to Kansas. Where you are microwaved in the summer and geo-nucleated in the winter. I'm too old and tired for this.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well. Stay warm out there.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

When I'm 64

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything for so long. After scrounging showers from various places and boiling water to wash dishes old school way, we finally have water again in our house. It was over a month (and $500 dollars later), but life can get back to normal. You really take for granted having running hot and cold water at your fingertips. Plus, we froze our asses off during that time. Thank God we had heat and never lost electricity.

We are still sad and shocked about the passing of my husband's dad, but life goes on. During this time, I turned 59. It made me think that I will be 64 when 2030 rolls around. Who knows what life in this country will look like then. But I just take it one day at a time, because the days are evil.

As far as the news, I stay away for the most part. I hear things of course. My co-workers told me about the crash in DC. Once I heard the mention of Runway 33, that was all I needed to know. Whether it was real or fake, or people really died, we will never know, but there are plenty of rabbit holes to go down if you want to waste your valuable time. That is how these things roll.

My boss was all excited when he heard that Trump was going to abolish the IRS. I told him that it was just giving candy to a child before you lure him into the white van. It went over his head. You all let me know when they stop stealing that federal tax money out of your paychecks and maybe I will believe it. There are worse things...

I'm halfway through listening to this live stream from Dayz of Noah while I try to catch up on all my water related cleaning projects. So far, he sees things like I do. Now is not the time to relax and think that Elon is somehow going to save the day. If you get a chance you should listen to his take on the things going on these days.

Hope you all are well. Take care out there.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Cancer Cures and Other Creepy Things

Just a little walk through some past predictive programming, with some sequels coming out this year, 2025.



and then


And just for fun – cant forget the Marvel take on it.

What could they possibly have planned....

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Stargate - Write it down

Hat tip to both Evil White Guy and Leo Hohman for posting this video:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


It was just time. To brave the mountains of snow between me and the park's bathroom. It's 5:15am. I have time to take a shower before work. I'm halfway there when my foot goes down into the snow and I land on my butt. Definitely wont be taking that way back.

But the shower was hot and it felt good to have clean hair again. It's been two and a half weeks since we had water in our home. It went out fast this year. It warmed up enough a couple days ago for things to thaw and us discover that we have a significant leak (spray), somewhere. We turned off the water coming in. We will have to wait until there is a stretch of time where it will be warm consistently to call the RV repair guy. I'm pretty sure he hates us.

My father in law came out for a visit in July. We knew something was off but weren't sure. He told the same story a couple of times and didn't really respond to conversations like he use to. I really felt he shouldn't be driving.

Last month he was found unresponsive on his kitchen floor and was taken to the hospital. Rapid onset dementia. I know you want to ask the question. Yes, he was fully v'd and boostered. I guess he hadn't taken any of his medications or paid any of his bills for several months. The hospital couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. They thought maybe it was from not taking his thyroid medicine. Because we can't talk about what might cause rapid onset dementia these days. We can't talk about injuries he got from his compliance with nefarious agendas. We can't even bring it up as a possibility. Sometimes I really hate this evil world.

My father in law died last night.

While people were celebrating the swearing in of the father of the vaccine as our next American president, one more victim of warp speed became a statistic. While the country celebrates the pardoning of the J6 actors so they can collect their Go Fund Me accounts, the plans for our enslavement are being put in place. The new digital currency is waiting in the background for implementation. They say 2025 is the year when it all goes down. We should listen to what they say.

Take care out there.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Negative Five Part Two

Well, after spending an hour warming up the popsicle that was my car and scraping all the ice off, I couldn't get out of my driveway without sliding. I decided that I just shouldn't risk it. Luckily I have a co-worker that lives nearby who is picking me up this morning. Stay warm out there.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Negative Five

I've never really been a fan of snow. Not since I've been a grown up and had to try to drive in to work. Years ago I did try to drive to work in the snow and ended up in the ditch. My kids were in the car at the time. No one was hurt, but it's one of the reasons they hate me to this day.

Yesterday most of the roads in the entire state of Kansas were closed, so I didn't feel too bad about calling out to my very new job. Not quite at my 90 day mark.

Yesterday the snow was over 3 feet high surrounding my house. My car was completely buried. I got bundled up and attempted to dig a path from the front door, (had to be careful getting out since there was over an inch of thick ice on the front steps) to the car, but had to give up half way there. I am reminded that I'm becoming an old lady.

I came in and was listening to a podcast. They were playing a snippet of a song about being a soldier for Christ and how nothing would defeat them, including the weather. I said to myself, Ok Lord, I will get all bundled up again and give it another try. But then I heard a noise outside. I looked out the window. The manager of the park was using his mini CAT to scoop bucketfuls of snow off my driveway and away from the car. Then he got out a shovel and made a trail from my front door to the driveway. I almost cried. It was like a miracle. I stuck my head out the door and thanked him profusely. He told me that I was most welcome and that I should put some salt on my front steps. Which I did.

Now I'm sitting here trying to decide if I'm going to try to drive to work this morning. The roads are open, but my drive to work is all back roads with no shoulders or barriers and six foot deep ditches on either side. I need more coffee.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025



I've tried three times to write about 2025. I could do a recap on 2024 very easily. I was unemployed twice last year and then did a short stint at the worst job I've ever had, followed by what could possibly be the best job I've ever had. So it both sucked, and didn't suck, depending on how I want to look at it.

I could talk about Trump and the things he has said, both positive for us (supposedly) and negative for us, depending on how you want to look at it. I could talk about Elon and Vivak and Dr. Krause and the Final Experiment and all of that. I, of course, look at the whole world stage and the evil plans of the Kings of the Earth. I remember that God laughs at them and holds them in derision.

The enemy is usually up front on how it wants to kill us all. Pick your poison – any poison. We are being systematically poisoned. Speaking of which...

I actually had an opportunity to talk to people at work about vitamin D3. A friend came into my office and during the course of our conversation she told me that her mom was sick and that she had to stop by the pharmacy and pick up Vitamin D3 for her. I told her not to get it. When she asked me why, I googled main ingredient in Vitamin D and main ingredient in rat poison. Which of course brings up the identical ingredient Cholecalciferol. Ironically the D-con website (get it? D CON) will flat out state that they use vitamin D to kill rats. She couldn't believe it! She asked me to print out the pages so she could show her mom. I printed them out for myself as well.

During our morning meeting later, I handed the print out of the vitamin D to the head nurse and then the print out of the rat poison. She was literally speechless. After a long pause she said, “yeah, but they test you...” in which I replied, “They test you for the amount of rat poison you have in your system. Better up your dose” Not sure what will come of it, but once you see it, you can't un-see it.

So...back to 2025. Will the dollar crash? The Economy? They have been saying that for the last 15 years. The economy has already crashed as far as I'm concerned if you have seen the prices of everything lately. My sister tells me that Fred Meyer over there in Oregon is selling eggs for 14 dollars. All I can say on that is, time to stop shopping at Fred Meyer, they are compromised.

Yesterday when I arrived at work, several people were wearing masks. I asked why and apparently someone tested positive for the C-word, and then other people tested positive, some tested negative but whatever. Like HELL, I will be wearing a mask this time. Not gonna happen. But, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I don't know what 2025 will bring. I don't care about the evil plans the billionaires like to brag about. Almighty God is in charge around here, despite what they may think. I'm just taking things one day at a time and trusting in the Lord to see me through. He has NEVER failed me and this year is no exception.

Ok, I've wasted valuable time. (Actually, I was hard-boiling eggs as I write this). I gotta get back to work. The house isn't going to clean itself. Pray, prep and be peaceful. Hope you all are staying warm and reading your labels.

Take care out there.