I know I need to post more often, and not to be a big whiner, but this winter is really kicking my ass. After a month with no water it was finally on again. Then it was off, then it was on. It just won't stay above freezing long enough. Current status: off.
It snowed last Wednesday so I stayed home, but when I drove to work on Thursday, my heater in the car decided not to work and my fingers and toes were so cold I was worried about frostbite. It was actually painful. Thank God they warmed up once I got there.
Now we are expecting the Mother of All Snowstorms on Tuesday. It's supposed to be worse then the first one. Wonderful. A bunch of us were standing outside at work the other day. I was talking about all the weather warfare going on and our very young maintenance man said that of all the conspiracy theories out there, he couldn't buy into chemtrails. I pointed up to the sky and said, so you think that big X up there is a natural cloud formation? He shrugged and took a drink of his pop and I added, “Probably brought to you by Pfizer.” He laughed and choked on his Pepsi.
So welcome to Kansas. Where you are microwaved in the summer and geo-nucleated in the winter. I'm too old and tired for this.
Anyway, I hope you are doing well. Stay warm out there.
It's a balmy 55 degrees here... Rainy, just took Guido out and was caught in a shower. No man waits unmiserable whilst his dog poops...
must be nice
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