Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Music:

I'm sure nothing will happen today, and tomorrow we will continue living our lives in relative peace. I've posted “Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie” before – but it mentions February, football and fire. Just out of curiosity I checked the gematria to see what “music died” came up with. 87. This is still an excellent song, which, apparently held the record for the longest song at 8 minutes and 32 seconds. That is, until Taylor Swift herself, broke that record at 10 minutes with “All Too Well”. I have included that video at the bottom.


Cederq said...

I like Don Mclean's American Pie, but did you have to torture us with the Swift fug ugly truck? Man, you are just plum mean!

wendyworn said...

Torturing you is just an added bonus cederq

Deathray said...

I’ve made it this far and can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever heard a song by her.
Dang it if you’re going to bust my streak.

Cederq said...

Now I see where this is going...

Greg said...

Nope. Nopity-nope. Not clicking that link. I don't think I've ever heard TS sing, and I'll continue my perfect streak of ignorance. But thanks for the information in any case.
And I'm old enough to remember when "Hey Jude" held the record for the longest song on a 45rpm single. Something over 7 minutes if I recall.