Friday, June 14, 2024

Wickedness Personified

They are wicked and delight in their wickedness. They openly brag about their hatred of Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ. They have no shame. They hate those who believe in Him and seek to do them harm. They admit that they are witches doing spells in their barns. They embrace everything that is evil. They hate the good.

They are everywhere now. Nothing is restraining them from running to shed innocent blood. They boast of their meanness. They pretend to be kind and listen so that they can take your words and use them against you. It is in their very nature.

They hate men and seek to destroy them at every opportunity. They embrace everything that is ugly and hate beauty. They are covered in tattoos so that they soon resemble the demons that inhabit them. Time to get another one.

They laugh at the calamity of others. It is like their nectar. There is no empathy within them. They speak great swelling words against the Most High and against His people. They have saturated every level of society from the highest to the lowest. They appear to be winning, but that is a lie.

The Lord has no desire for the wicked to perish, but that they should turn to Him and He would heal them. But they have closed fast their ears from hearing and their eyes they have shut tight. They are unable to see their approaching ruin. They will turn and rend you if you try to give them pearls.

They are wickedness personified.

Take care out there.  



Cederq said...

It sure is out of the closet isn't it? I pray we can stuff it back in and destroy this evil.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Shiiiit! You laid that out...

Don't mind me. said...

You just described most of the people I've known in my life.
Don't worry, we'll win.

Tree Mike said...

Great word smithing!