Saturday, June 1, 2024

Fake and Gay

I'm not surprised that the fake verdict in Trump's fake trial is guilty on all counts. You didn't actually believe it would be otherwise did you? I'm sure his scripted and fake arrest will happen soon. I am surprised how many people are just now going to fly their flags upside down. As far as I'm concerned our flags should have been flown upside down for the last five years, at least since they started making the vaccines mandatory. Let's not forget on who's watch that occurred.

Today, of course, is the start of Gay Pride month. People are getting pretty sick of the whole gay agenda. I know I am. Some days, there just isn't enough closets.

Things at work have calmed down considerably. Thank you to everyone who was praying for me. It has been a downright pleasant work environment lately. I'm counting it as a miracle. It is surprising how quickly mountains can be uprooted and thrown into the sea. Of course, now that everything is going well, I'll be moving to the graveyard shift with the night trainer in two weeks instead of two months. I've always known it was going to happen sooner or later. I'm just hoping I will be able to adjust my sleep schedule. I literally haven't stayed up to watch the ball drop on New Year's for a couple of decades! We'll leave that in God's hands as well.

I'm still monumentally busy. My days off are filled with catching up on housework, catching up on sleep or doing meal prep for my work days. I'm going to try to keep my current schedule, just changing it from am to pm. We'll see how it works out.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

A worker bee! I liked the graveyard shift over the other two shifts. generally quieter and much less drama and back stabbing and dealing with asshole admin people that wouldn't know where to place a bed pan with two hands...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cedreq. Found the "third shift", to be way more positive for me than the day/evening shifts.
Admin, non existent, management, much less hands on.
The only downside for me was, adjusting to eating.
I really hated second shift, first shift; too much drama.
Bear in Indy

Tree Mike said...

I'm so happy to hear things are improving. I'm sure your determination and attitude are the driving force there. Sure won't turn down any help from the Lord.

clayusmcret said...

I agree with the first two comments. Night shift is awesome if you get into correctly. Spin your clock accordingly. No one on day shift gets off work and tries to go straight to bed so treat night shift as you would if you were still on days.

Go to bed between 1pm and 2pm or whatever time gets you your normal "night" of sleep. Get up at whatever time would be before your shift starts just like you do to start your day shift. I got up at 9pm to leave the house at 10:30pm. Ate breakfast, read my "morning emails", got ready to go and started "my day" as normal. When I got off from work I came home, exercised, had dinner, watched "evening TV" and went to bed in a bedroom with blackened shades.

On Fridays when I got off I'd stay up to my wife's bedtime, spend Saturday and Sunday mid-afternoon with her. I went to bed ~3pm on Sunday and started the routine again Sunday evening at 9pm. I did ~two years on this shift.

The key is not to treat night shift as abnormal, but to spin the clock dial so night shift is like any other day. Your body adjusts quickly this way.

The funniest moment was walking through the door of an On the Border as they unlocked the door (11am), sitting down and when the waitress asked if I'd like something to drink....without hesitating I said a margarita, on the rocks with salt. The look on her face was "This guy is hitting the tequila at 11am!" I had to tell her it was my supper time. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Also agree with Cedreq,

The 3rd shift can be very rewarding and mentally relaxing. So much so that, depending on the work environment, certain liberties can be taken. I know of some co-workers who would take naps during that shift but still got all their work done! Each to their own I suppose.

Justin_O_Guy said...

went to bed in a bedroom with blackened shades.

Because it matters. Yeah, don't try to walk in and go to bed. Gotta wind down.