Thursday, May 23, 2024

Hugs and Old Hwy 40

There is a back road way to get to Abilene from my house that I have been taking lately and yesterday was a beautiful day for a drive. Since we have been having so much rain, all the fields are green and lush. The sky was blue for a change and there were actual white puffy clouds and no chemtrails. I guess evil takes a day off once in a while.

There is a little crossroads where I pass the unincorporated town of Detroit. It is just a smattering of houses with what use to be a bar and grill. It's closed now with boarded up windows. My Boss told me the story about the bar, I guess some brothers were fighting over it, but I can't remember the details now. I always feel a little sad when I pass it. It will, most likely, never reopen.

On the corner, where I turn onto Old Hwy 40, there is a sign with plastic letters that says, simply, “Pray for Rain.” I send up a little prayer for rain in honor of the guy who lives there. I'm thoroughly enjoying the trip as I pass stately old farmhouses with well kept yards. I saw an actual modern looking log cabin and kind of laughed that I hadn't noticed it before. I pass a cornfield where the little green cornstalks are three inches tall. That farmer will have a very nice crop this year.

Old Hwy 40 ends at the south end of Abilene right near the Post Office and I stop to check the mail. Just some coupons for fast food restaurants that I will probably not use. I just don't trust them anymore. Then it is on to Quik Stop to pick up a few things that are less expensive than at the grocery store. I notice the donut place across the street. When my car was broke down a couple summers ago, the Landlady took me there and bought me a chocolate covered donut from the drive up window. The shop is now newly closed with the sign taken down and a For Rent poster in the window. I never went there (cuz a donut is the last thing I need these days) but I was sad to see that it was closed. A lot of businesses, especially restaurants are closing in this town. A sign of the times I guess.

I saw the RV repair guy as he was leaving the grocery store parking lot and I was going in. He waved to me and I had this feeling of being part of this community now. It felt really comforting.

Inside the store I spot one of the guys who stocks the shelves that I use to see all the time when I was unemployed and would go to the store at the butt crack of dawn. He stopped his conversation with a co-worker to come talk to me saying, “I was just thinking about you! I haven't seen you in a while.” We chatted a little about my new job (just the good stuff), and before we parted ways he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a little half hug and said, “it was good to see you.” Wow, I thought as I continued my shopping.

The woman who had prayed for me in the parking lot a while back was bagging my groceries. She walked me out and told me that she had been thinking about me and was glad to hear that I got a new job as she put my groceries in the back seat. Then she gave me a hug and said another prayer thanking the Lord for His many blessings and calling me her sister. Wow again. I drove home thinking, Yes, the Lord continues to rain blessings down on me. What a great day.

Hope everyone is well. Stay safe this holiday weekend. I have to work all weekend so hopefully I will get a new post up sometime Monday or Tuesday. But don't hold me to that.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Wendyworn(L), we never hold any thing against you. It wouldn't stick with the Armor of the Lord surrounding you! You seem to have touched many hearts and maybe since everyone is somehow related to every body else, maybe a good word or a warning passed to those on high that you are part of the community now and give you some slack! There is a reason why the people showed you Christian love...

wendyworn said...

it was surprising, but very sweet as well.

clayusmcret said...

Glad things are finally going your way. Prayers work.

Cederq said...

I enjoy taking the back roads, the forgotten old highways and the occasional dirt/gravel road to over there... so driving down old I-40 would be a pleasure. You see an America that has been taken away from us, a slow and pleasurable drive and people that are not rushed and enjoy a perfect stranger and show them a kindness.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Back roads, serenity, the beauty of nature, and Still getting there.. They Are the Backroads because they aren't for everyone.

Eraser said...

That's a nice little story right there. When I have days like that - and they are far and few - I think "why can't I have more days like this?"
I think the answer is if we had more, we wouldn't appreciate them as much as you did that one.

Cederq said...

Where oh, where is Wendy?

wendyworn said...

im planning on posting an un update tomorrow

Justin_O_Guy said...

Will you need to have an Un Cola to get primed for an Un Update?

wendyworn said...

sticky fingers - just an update not an un one. ha ha