I was able to rent the little yellow house last night. Isn't it cute? I don't have any furniture - and it may be awhile before I have any, but the Lord will make sure I have what I need, He always does. So I may be moving in here and there until this weekend when I officially stop living at my cousin's house. I do not know yet if I will have internet access so I will check in when I can, it may be November before I can afford to get internet at my house if I can't find some wifi to jump onto. So I may be offline for several weeks, but I could use a bit of a break as well. I will post again soon.
lots of love!
Hi Wendyworn, It's wonderful seeing the little yellow house, praise God for watching over you! I very much like the sound of it & I hope you get on internet before too long, but sounds like you're very, very busy with all the wonderful experiences.
I like your street signs too, funny I never noticed how much more there is to them.:)
Praise the Lord!
Keep us posted when you can:)
Thanks - please pray for furniture! I'm starting from scratch but the Lord is going to provide in a big way - as He always does. Thanks for reading and for your emotional and spiritual support!
I am sorry havent been on in a while. I am so excited about your new job and what a cute little house. The Lord is certainly showing you favor.But you are his daughter.I am so happy for you.You have been so long without a place to call your own. This is wonderful.I can see it full of all the stuff you need to have a comfortable home.
Take care and enjoy your blesings.
Absolutely cute!..Adorable! Look what the Lord has done--and quick.
Our God is God.
Thank you everyone for your great comments. I am very busy with work and I may not be able to have internet access at my house until November! But I can check my email at work. I'm so glad I downloaded all those free games from Gamehouse.com because it gives me something to do at the house. It is nice and my boss is going to give me a burgundy leather loveseat and two chairs with ottomans so the Lord is providing me with the furniture I need as well. take care for now my friends!
October 6, 2011
I just tried to blog from my work computer and it won't let me post. So much for that idea. But I just wanted to let you know that me and my new job and my little yellow house are doing fine. My boss gave me a beautiful burgundy leather livingroom set - so I have official furniture. The Lord is my supplier in all things and He is moving mightily in my life to make a place for me here in Wyoming. I won't have internet access at home until November and I am too far from the library - so I apologize for the lack of posts. Talk to you soon!
lots of love
Great! that was absolutely cute.
I like your positive attitude
life sometimes can be a lot fun when you know how to look at them.
Hi Linda,
Going back over a few blog entries and see that you've been going through alot lately, and also wanted to add that I certainly don't want to add stress on you with my comments and when I disagreed w/u @ latest post entry...if I did, shame on me! I have strong opinions, and time will tell how everything pans out, we only have limited understanding of things, and in all things God is ALWAYS more merciful than we are, to be sure!
What a cute adorable house! Hope you were able to find cute furniture to match :)
I too, have had very strong opinions, opinions that are documented right here in this blog. Yet I have been willing to set down my beliefs and traditions in order to seek the truth - whether I am wrong - time will tell.
I was given very beautiful furniture from my bosses. way better than the furniture I had before.
love and blessings!
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