Thursday, March 7, 2024

So Long Nimarata

Nikki Haley is officially out. I'm pretty sure I called it but can't find the post. I'm sure she will still pop up somewhere else to annoy us. Maybe she will be in charge of getting us to eat bugs or be the spokesperson for extreme internet censorship. Who knows, but I did get a little thrill when she finally admitted that there was no way she was ever going to be the Republican nominee, let alone President.

As a little frosting on the cake, Victoria Nuland suddenly resigned. Seems a lot of old evil chess pieces are being removed lately. Wonder what is going on behind the scenes. Hhmmm.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

We may never know the reasons why. I am thinking one reason is the game show participants are seeing the extreme writing on the wall and are distancing themselves in hope they escape the purge. Ain't gonna happen, we remember and know where they live and no hole dark enough or deep enough to cower. Or, they are being freed up and are waiting in the wings to become those commissars when the martial law is applied and we are in a true insurrection with a two way rifle range...

Alexander von Rims said...

Yes -- she's out, and so the last obstacle to Biden's reelection is removed. She's young enough to try again in 2028 when she can hope the Republican Party has calmed down a bit.

It will be funny having her face off against Harris in 2028. Both candidates will be Indian-descended. Perhaps a sign of the times.

Eraser said...

My gut tells me that these two chuckleheads lacked to intensity to carry out the devil's plans for the TPB. They probably claimed to be up to the task, but evil requires a certain lack of principle which men seem better suited towards. Either way, their black souls are free to move on!