Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Gift from Dad

My 83 year old dad has been taking a water color class. He asked me on the phone if I had any wall space in my RV. I can see the one empty wall from the bedroom, and told him that I did have some space and that I would love to have one of his paintings. He said he would send one.

One of the presents my sister brought was the painting from Dad. I was not expecting it to be framed. It's really beautiful and I was so blessed to receive it. It is a true treasure and I will think of Dad when I pass it in the hall.

It's the little things that just make my day sometimes.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

That is a nice little water color. That is something to treasure! I have a few mementos from my father and mother, just something I look upon and remember them a little clearer and remember the good times and laughs we had and the love that surrounded us.

Anonymous said...

I like the painting. Thanks for sharing.
.Bear in Indy