Friday, September 6, 2024

Lightbulb Economy Part Two or Funk Intensified

Sigh. I'm having kind of a bad day (life). It was good that the Lord arranged for my sisters to visit in preparation for me. I have something really special to think about on days like this.

I saw some beautiful mini sunflowers on the side of the road on my way into town yesterday. On my walk this morning I took some scissors and a plastic bag and walked across the road. I cut some of those sunflowers and some amazing little tendrils that were on ivy growing near by. I imagined how they would look arranged in an empty pickle jar on my counter.

The reality was, I didn't cut enough and all the little sunflower faces just drooped sadly around the lip of the jar. I actually felt worse for cutting them in the first place.

Just for clarification, the bulbs I bought for the RV are standard issue 1156 lightbulbs. Just like the picture. I guess there was some misunderstanding that maybe I bought specialty expensive RV light bulbs. No. Just regular 1156 lightbulbs from the regular auto parts store. The point I was making in that post was that they use to cost $13 dollars for 2 packages a couple months ago and now they are $17 dollars for two packages. A four dollar increase. My husband said he used to get two packages for 99 cents 20 years ago.

We have a new (fake) terrorist group, this time from Venezuela. Another school shooting. Another deadly disease that's going to get you even if you have no symptoms. Another day of ridiculous stories about Trump, Harris, Walz, RFK Jr., etc. I don't want to comment on our current fake reality, because I am actually still suffering from the fallout of losing my really good job for refusing to take a test or a shot and fled the state, only to end up in a place that is way too hot in summer and way too cold in the winter. Where I don't know anyone and the job market is the worst.

Anyway. I'm taking a break from blogging for a while. I may be back, I may not. Maybe if I finally get a job and an actual income, my attitude will improve. For now, I don't want to infect the rest of you.

Have a good life.


Skipperbeans said...

Can you go back to your “old” state?

wendyworn said...

Oregon? Not really

Ian J said...

I'm glad you had such a good time with your sisters and do appreciate your situation. I wish you success with the job hunt and would just add that things will get better, so try to stay positive (as far as possible in this mad world).

wendyworn said...

thanks Ian, I am trying to stay positive, as much as is possible these days

Crazy Hootowl said...

Just so you know, you would be greatly missed. Your site is one of my daily reads, and I appreciate your wisdom, insight, and frankness as a real person. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and hope you do not lose your positivr attitude.

wendyworn said...

thank you hootowl

Joe Narcoleptic said...

Like you, I lost a good paying job for refusing to take the jab or test, so I can relate. You could try Eastern Washington or North Idaho on for size. No less despotic for government in WA, but the people in the rural areas are much more likely to revolt when the time comes. The temperatures in winter are still cold, and summers are still hot though.

I will continue to pray for your life to improve. God has this, I assure you. I also can relate regarding being essentially black pilled by most of the things I've learned in the past half decade. Take heart in knowing that for you, this is as close to hell as you'll ever be. The same being true for all those who know Jesus.

Joe Narcoleptic said...

Like you, I lost a good paying job for refusing to test or take the jab. Surely the lack of myocarditis isn't what's bringing you down. 😉. All joking aside, remember that for those who know Jesus, this is as close to hell as we are ever going to get, and for those who don't, as close to heaven as they'll ever be. I've been pretty much for black pilled from what I've learned over the last half decade or so, and I think that it's what the powers of this world would like for all of us. Take heart, sister in Christ, He has a plan for you that is good, even and perhaps especially when you can't see it.

wendyworn said...

Excellent comment Joe - thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good luck.


clayusmcret said...

God has a plan for you. Good luck on your journey.

Don't mind me. said...

If you were fired for refusing the injection, you should hire an attorney.

Jeffersonian said...

I pray for you. I gave prayers for you last summer when we were both unemployed. I have found a good job. it doesn't pay very well.
I'd be just about as well off taking an early retirement. but i need to work. You're in my prayers. God bless.

wendyworn said...

thank you jeffersonian. I need all the prayers I can get!

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Enjoy your time off, we’ll be here when you get back