Monday, September 2, 2024

September Already

I can't believe it is September already. Where did the summer go? Is it just me or is life flashing by before my eyes?

It has gotten chilly on my morning walk. I swapped out sweatpants and a jacket for my shorts and a t-shirt. I have been good about taking my walks and going the long way back. I was tired this morning and wanted to take the short cut but thought, go the extra mile. It's not really a mile, just an extra loop. I didn't take the easy way.

Our front A/C finally officially died, with the RV repair man making the pronouncement. We told him not to get a new motor right now, since we just can't afford it. The back bedroom A/C still works with a fan directing the air to the front. Soon, we will be swapping out all the fans for space heaters anyway. Winter is in the air.

While I was walking, I thought about my grandparents on their little farm with no electricity. They survived and would think that I'm just spoiled. I probably am. I didn't see any bunnies this morning. Just a dead monarch butterfly lying on the road. I felt kind of sad about seeing it.

The park was full of campers this weekend and most of them are still here. They all behaved themselves and I didn't hear anything in the evening. Just saw a lot of empty beer bottles still sitting on their picnic tables. They will be leaving soon. I hope they had a good time.

I woke up at 2:30am today and at 4:30am I was busy in the kitchen making cookie bars. I've been wanting to for the last couple days but it was too hot for the oven. I made it a priority today because I needed to use up some things left over from the sisters weekend. I adapted my blueberry cheesecake bars recipe but used apple and the rest of the sliced strawberries. I also added some cinnamon to the crumble mix. When it comes to cinnamon, if a little is good a lot is much better. Ha ha. I was finished by 6am, which I thought was kind of funny. They were completely cooled when I came back from my walk. What a nice breakfast.

Anyway. Take care out there.


Justin_O_Guy said...

If you can get the specs on the motor maybe you can round one up for less. When They have to buy stuff they add a bit, as is reasonable,,

wendyworn said...

I'm sure that is true. What's less than zero? We are okay without it for now.

Cederq said...

Cookie bars? Did someone say cookie bars? Scrambled eggs and bacon with coffee go with that? I still am in shorts and a t shirt through winter. My neighbors in South Dakota thought I was nuts when I took Guido out to potty in the morning wearing only my shorts and T... maybe I am.

wendyworn said...

If they were just cookies I would send you some, but they are cheesecake too. not sure how well they would go through the mail. as for the crazy part - I'm not saying. ha ha