Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lightbulb Economy

The scenery changes daily on my walks. New campers arriving and old campers leaving. I waved goodbye to some people as they left with their matching toy haulers. I'd heard of Minnie Winnies, but there was a little red Micro Winnie parked out front, with a slide out and an awning. I wanted to go up to the door and knock, and ask if I could look inside. I wondered if it was as cool on the inside as it was on the outside.

When I first moved to Kansas, two twinpacks of RV lightbulbs were around $13 something at O'Reilly's Auto Parts store. I bought some recently for $17 dollars. Ouch. They are not very good as I have had to change the bulb in my computer area 3 times in the last month. My husband thinks it may be the fixture. That knowledge doesn't help the situation. I may have to start ordering in bulk online. The massive gouging continues.

Everything has gotten so expensive and continues to rise. Although, my sisters thought our gas prices were excellent. It's over 2 dollars more a gallon in Oregon. I'm buying the barest minimum I can at the grocery store and pinching pennies as best I can. Why yes, I'll buy that dented can of crushed pineapple for 50 cents. I may have to drive back to the Aldi and see if I can get more of those boxes of organic mac & cheese. They were fairly inexpensive and go well with our stash of Spam.

I was interviewed a couple weeks ago by a little girl who admitted that when she first got the director's job two months before, she had never written a check or put the flag up on a mailbox to send out mail. I just got the rejection email yesterday stating that they had hired another candidate, even though I saw that job posted again on Indeed. Whatever. At least I know how to write a check and mail a letter. It reminded me of an interview I had years ago when I tried to get a job at Game Stop. The woman interviewing me said that she had never played a video game before but that I was over qualified for the job. At least I've played lots of video games and could sell them to old ladies. Probably didn't have enough tattoos or piercings. My life sometimes drips with irony. Anyway, the job hunt continues.

That's all for now. Hope you are buying what you need today before prices go hyperbolic.

Take care out there.


Justin_O_Guy said...

Well,, maybe it's time for camouflage..


Maybe slip in a few popular lefty catch phrases,

Some hydrogen peroxide with a Purple chaser for the hair and Boom! You're Hired!

wendyworn said...

I'll never fit in

Anonymous said...

Well, that truly sucks! Very sorry to hear that, dear lady. I suppose, if you wanted to and could keep a straight face about could try talking "Jive" like Mrs. Cleaver does on Airplane? Country girl with THAT lexicon? Sounds "diverse" to me and I bet the company has "diverse and inclusive" somewhere in it's job description....does it not?

Cederq said...

Your first problem is you bought something with RV in the name... those bulbs are old style back up bulbs, 1156s, go into a good auto parts store and ask for 1156 bulbs and they will be cheaper by far...

Anonymous said...

When i was being considered for my job 8 years ago i almost didn't get the job. HR was concerned I had no social media accounts under my name, they felt not having them was a red flag. I asked if they wanted an employee who did a full days work or an employee who spent half of each day on facebook complaining about them?

I got the job.


wendyworn said...

great story! if they need you to have a facebook or twitter account they should put it in the job description. I'm not on facebook or twitter by the way.

Anonymous said...

Try doing a google search of your real name. That will tell you what potential info employers find when they search you up.

I had a buddy who had a name that came up on court documents for a bunch of crimes. They were a different individual but he kept getting turned down for jobs, until an employer asked him about his criminal record and thats how he found out


Justin_O_Guy said...

I got so engrossed in being a smartass I totally missed the 1156 on the package. Yeah, a single element lamp for Anycar, USA from the sixties will fit. Amazon has several options, one I saw was a package of 12 for $12.00. I think that one also said they are ,aww, crap,, the frikken word escapes me, IF they are as claimed, they get really hot and if, AHA!! Finally, Halogen,, yeah, fingerprints will KILL'EM,, but it also said 21 watts, so I dunno if they are halogen,

Carol Shelby bought some Mustangs, added a decal, sold them for a jacked up price. No mechanical difference, no performance difference, just Rebadged.
The RV 1156 bulb is just an 1156

If you have a location that is acting jicky, it's not necessarily the bulb. Those sockets can get a little corroded. The pins pokin out of the base of the bulb sit in the top of a V ,the spring that pushes the center connector against the lead? on the bottom provides the pressure to make the connection.
If you're having flickering or anything from one, if you can gently pull out and twist the bulb back and forth the pins will grind against their contact surface and clean it.

wendyworn said...

I'm sorry. they are just regular 1156 lightbulbs from the auto parts store. I should have said lightbulbs for the RV instead of RV lightbulbs. I did not buy specialty lightbulbs. the real point is they went up by 4 dollars since the last time I bought them. A point that somehow got lost I guess.