Thursday, June 8, 2023

Another One Bites the Dust

So the Tactical Hermit got nuked. The Feral Irishman has a message from him here:

A Quick Note From "The Tactical Hermit"....

He's planning on coming back in some form or other. If something happens to this blog – I highly doubt I will start another one. If I disappear suddenly – I will email Cederq and he can post the details on bustednuckles. However, I'm pretty small and try to use Al Gore Rhythm proof language when necessary, so I'm not too worried. I think they warn you a couple times before they actually take you down.

I listened to the episode one Tucker thing yesterday. Sure he speaks some truth – all of which we already knew – so nothing new. However he is pushing the UFO thing – which means the fake alien invasion plan B is still on the table. If people really understood that the military has had flying saucer technology since WWII and that alien abductees who have called out to Jesus have stopped the abduction immediately, they would know that there are no such thing as extra-terrestrials. Just demonic entities whose sole purpose is to deceive. So whatever you do – do not get on any benevolent alien aircraft.

I am very sad to hear about the Kakhovka Dam getting blown up and all the regular people's lives that are now devastated. They already have a wikipedia page about it here. There is a story about the aftermath from Aljazeera here.

Hope everyone is doing well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Humorous not... Aljazeera has the story and I couldn't find a comparable piece in our so called "bastion of Freedom, the press." Whomever breeched the dam, knew of what possible damage and human suffering would entail.

wendyworn said...

yes it is horrible. I think they were all in it. they want to kill civilians