Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Trusted Voices

I remember back in the day, when I really liked Tucker Carlson – around the time when I still watched Fox, (before they called Arizona and exposed themselves). My mom DVR'd him every night so she could watch him tell all that truth (that no one on tv would touch with a ten foot pole) during the day. Was it really less than five years ago?

There is a old school psyop – called “trusted voices.” The idea is to have a person tell the target audience the truth concerning areas of their expertise. That way, when they start to lie, the crowd will believe it because they trust the expert. This authority figure is in a position to reach a lot of people, and is planted in place years before the actual psyop goes into effect. It could be a you-tuber, or someone with a website – or a commentator with a prime 8pm time slot on a major news network.

Tucker Carlson is a trusted voice. He was at Fox for years. Before Trump, Before CV-19. Before Vaxxes. Before everything. Even after everyone was disgusted with Fox news and refused to watch it – they still snuck on to watch Tucker.

Here is what I think happened. The lawsuit that Fox News lost against Dominion was completely bogus. Those entities both work for the enemy. They are on the same team. They needed a way to distance Tucker from Fox because Fox's cover of being a fake conservative news outlet was blown.

So now Mr. Trusted Voice himself can slowly but surely, drip by irritating drip, sell the conservatives and patriots, the idea that beings from Outer Space are literally flying around and crashing and/or accidentally killing military service men. It's amazing that he uses the same grainy bullshit footage that they roll out from time to time to show “real pictures of UFOs” that the government has been hiding all these years.

Now he's teamed up with “I want to put a chip in everyone's head” Elon Musk and the two of them can push the public right into believing more lies, this time with aliens! Because Tucker Carlson is an established, credible source doncha know? We should believe everything he says because he would never lie to us.

Take care out there – and be careful which trusted voices you listen to.


E M Johnson said...

yes, be wary of any one in the light and review what they say. I do think you sound like you've made your mind up on Tucker and discount every thing he says. Valuable info can still be gained by listening to all sources.

wendyworn said...

Oh - I still listen to what Tucker says. He does give us nuggets of truth occasionally. But - he cannot be trusted.

Cederq said...

I have never watched Tucker, nor Hannity and the myriad other talking heads. They always reminded me of Max Headroom and was waiting for them to stutter...I am not enamored of the yube tube talking voices that seem to be on our side, are they a really cheap Tucker? Embedded like you say months or years ago to "influence" us so we would have a trusted voice in the wilderness. That trusted voice is mostly a flushing toilet.

wendyworn said...

Yes it is. I listen to a lot of podcasts during the day while I work, and people that I use to trust have exposed themselves as working for the enemy. In a way - even when they give you a little truth - you can't really trust any of them.

Deathray said...

I think you’re spot on with this one.
And I’m proud to say the only trusted voice I trust is, Greta Thunberg.

wendyworn said...

lol -absolutely I trust Greta! why wouldn't I?

bob said...

Trust but Verify, don't knock just do the research. I Trust in GOD, and no one else....

wendyworn said...

smart choice bob!

JL said...

At this point, given that everything we see, read, and hear is designed to sell us something (whether it's a product or an idea) I'm of the mind that virtually everything in the west is pure grift.

Be extremely judicious with your time and your money.

wendyworn said...

so true JL!