Friday, June 23, 2023

It's Been a Very Fake Week

Let's see. First we had the fake holiday of Juneteenth – in the fakest and GAYEST month of the year.

We had the fake alien landing in Las Vegas – or that might have been last week, It is all just a blur.

Now we have the fake implosion of the Titanic sightseeing sub. Miles has an excellent add-on to his The Titanic: the Fraud that Keeps on Giving paper about it – complete with pictures of the inside of the hoax vehicle. Just scroll past the genealogy if you have to. The current update starts on page 35.

Thankfully, my paycheck was real this morning. (Although a case could be made that it is fake as well). At least it bought real groceries.

Take care out there my friends. See you on Sunday!



Cederq said...

You could be fake, I could be fake, I know Deathray is fake... Keep your eyes open, your ears open and your mouth shut and you will learn and know what is fake.

wendyworn said...

you are so funny! I don't know - Deathray? are you fake?

Deathray said...

My FEELING is hurt

wendyworn said...

see cederq! deathray is not fake

Cederq said...

Death, just one feeling?

Deathray said...

It was all I had left. It’s a cruel world out there and they were all burned up over the years.
Look, I’m not complaining. I’m now completely liberated and ready to take my place on the throne of BFYTW.
Thanks Cederq for giving me this opportunity.

Steve said...

What is fake, what is real? All the world is a stage.
A faked Titanic excursion? To what end? Just another diversion from the glitches in the matrix?

Johno said...

Wendyworn, you should accept Cederq’s admission that he is fake, and his fake Chihuahua too. I’ve long suspected that he is actually a software programme, probably running from Hillary’s email server. The assertion that Deathray is fake is interesting, maybe you could seek a comment from Deathray’s doggy? Oh no, she could be fake too!
Fakery seems to rule in this world, including every non-news story running in the lame MSM. I know that I’m not fake, I hurt way too much for that possibility. If I were a programme, then my hardware needs to be rebooted after I’ve been switched off for a while.

wendyworn said...

Johno - you are hilarious! It's funny that you mention Cederq's fakeness because I actually said to him,

"while I'm 99.99% certain he is a real person and a nice guy with a warped sense of humor, it's the .01% that gives me doubt. He could be a highly advanced artificial life form off the scale of the technology we know about or a data mining/surveillance operative sent to spy on me"

I'm fairly certain he is real, but you never know.....

wendyworn said...

plus - I'm not buying the whole - I was painting at my brothers house. Probably getting an upgrade. Now New and Improved.

Deathray said...

New and improved?
That wouldn’t take much as he’s in such rotten condition.I have an old book of green stamps only half filled that I’m sure could be used to make improvements.