Thursday, June 1, 2023

The People Team

Since the company I work for is always one of the first to embrace all things “woke”, they have decided to change the name of the Human Resources department to the People Team. They had an article detailing the new name on the company website written by a person whose She/Her/Hers pronouns were the first thing listed in her bio.

I did a search on it and apparently it's a “thing” that all the cool companies are doing. Here is a brief over view:

What is a people team?

Digging a little deeper – it's really about implementing the DEIB agenda. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging. (I thought inclusion and belonging were the same thing! Not according to this guy)

It's all garbage to me. One of the People Team's jobs is to implement some of that mandatory fun, so that we can all feel like we belong and we will be happy. Ha ha ha.

Of course my very first thought reading the article at work was, are they changing it from Human Resources because they were going to introduce a non-human element into the mix? It's not like I don't already feel over run by the stupid bots. I'm sure one of them will be my boss before I know it.

While I was researching I came across this article:

How DEIB Programs Can Help Solve the Biggest Challenges in Employee Management Today

Here is the first paragraph:

“Following a year marked by the "Great Reset," 2023 is bound to bring even more employee management challenges, from spiking attrition to falling morale amid the economic downturn. As these challenges compound and priorities continue to shift, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) programs can serve as a hedge against these trends.”

Hhmmmm. You don't say. A hedge against these trends? More like right in line with the great reset. But we don't want to let the people know that is what we are doing.

Anyway, that is all for now. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Good morning you ray of sunshine! HR Departments. I have never liked that term, I am not a resource, I am a personal. I remember working when the HR was called a Personal Department and you didn't have odd, weird blue haired pronoun(ed) ass wipes that bizzy buddy every employee. Companies need to get back to respecting and treating with dignity their employees. Also realizing the janitor is the most important and vital employee, not the CEO. Personal employees should only be tasked with recruitment, keeping personal records up to date and helping individual employees with medical/disability insurance signups, not having fun or matchmaking or morale or discipline.

wendyworn said...

agreed on all points

Justin_O_Guy said...

Never understood why Personnel wasn't just Fine.
Human Resource
As opposed to What?

But who cares about what they call it? Because They are not just going to make ruinous policy The Official Course of Action, anyone bitching about it will suffer. It's almost like the country has gone berserk, and the only acceptable policies are woke ,anti white, perverts promoted and old white guys are meat.