Friday, July 7, 2023

Fire the News Writers

The news has been totally lame all week. I mean, seriously. Cocaine was found in the White House? Duh! There has probably always been cocaine at the White House. You don't think Clinton may have snorted a line or two back in the day? W? I'm sure Obama did, when he wasn't ordering pizza and hot dogs to be delivered. Most likely it wasn't Trump. I hear he never touches the stuff. So why this week is it such a hot topic? Shall we all point the finger at Hunter? Does Hunter even actually exist as a real person? Asking for a friend.

Then there is the alleged cage match between Musk and Zuckerberg. Give me a break! Like that will ever happen. Maybe we can have AI draw us a picture? Yeah, that's the ticket. Is this even news?

I could write better fake news stories without even trying.

Ukraine is losing! No wait, they are winning! Ah crap, I guess they are losing again. Putin has cancer. Putin is a good guy who will save us all. Putin is literally Hitler. Zelensky is a good guy. I guess the traitor Pence went to see him and shake his hand and let the whole world know where his loyalties lie. Zelensky can play the piano with his penis, when he's not using it for other things that we don't want to know about. Probably with Pence.

In other news – I got paid again and could still take cash out of the ATM and buy food. That is good. So all in all – we are still here and not a gaping, smoking crater. I'm thinking we will make it through the weekend safely. Hope you all are well, see you on Sunday.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

It's always good to be paid. I don't even read news any more and the little I do, it reinforces the reason why I don't read news, a circle jerk of lying news if you will. So what toys are you gonna buy me? I could use some updated black aluminum fancy wheels for my truck. Gotta remain looking cool...

wendyworn said...

would that be the Hot Wheels version? they consider me the 'working poor' lol

Cederq said...

Matchbox! I didn't like Hot Wheels, looked cheap... I liked my cars and trucks look at authentic as possible, but now a days, Matchbox isn't any different then Hot Wheels.

Deathray said...

All those stories are so you don’t become aware of the real threat to civilization, Planet X the dark Death Star.

Steve said...

Wow! See what happens with a little bit of rest.
You came out, firing both barrels!
Good to see.