Thursday, July 20, 2023

Trump Indicted? Again?

*Yawn*. How many times now? Seven? Eight? How long will they continue to beat this dead horse? The January 6th non-insurrection is the gift that keeps on giving. First of all, everybody – and I mean EVERYBODY – knows the election was stolen. Some of us actually saw the numbers change live on TV. There are piles and piles of evidence. But, I think that is the point.

If your goal is to divide the country and demoralize everyone in it, what better way than to openly and blatantly cheat so that half the populace can know without a doubt that not only did they lose the election but America as well. The other half of the population, the half that doesn't care about cheating, or the USA, can be happy that we are that much closer to full on communist utopia.

When the enemy wants to take down a city – say Portland or Seattle – they only need a handful of Antifa/BLM members and some strategically placed pallets of bricks to start it. Then the brainwashed lefty activists will join in the fun because burning and looting is so much better than a skinny latte with extra caramel.

They thought they could try the same thing on J6 – but all they got was some grannies taking selfies in front of paintings of the founding fathers. When that plan didn't work – they decided to fake it. All those people from J6 in jail or solitary confinement? Fake. Grandma was arrested and so was Billy Bob the mechanic from down the street? They do not exist. They are characters in the movie being played out before our eyes to get the real patriots – the ones armed to the teeth – to hesitate storming the place themselves. I mean Ray Epps? Ray Epps is an Act-Whore. He is central casting's number one guy.

Are you fighting against the wrongful imprisonment of these people? Stories of more people being arrested for their involvement are coming out every day. Did you write to some of them in prison? Contribute to their Go Fund Me? Yesssss my pretties, continue to feed the beast. It gives it the illusion of being real.

But now they can use it to indict President Trump. Again. Round and round it goes. Where it stops? Nobody knows.

Keep prepping and praying! Take care out there!


Cederq said...

Ya know, if they succeed in indicting Trump and eventually a trial, even if he is cleared of all charges and the case dropped, any body can indict former presidents and do this all over again... what is good for the gander, the goose gets it. I whole heartedly agree, double yawn, is it time for a nap? When all the traitors and dc criminals are perp walked with handcuffs in the rear and leg cuffs with a restraining strap between the two is when I may sit up and notice...

wendyworn said...

yeah me too

Justin_O_Guy said...

some strategically placed pallets of bricks to start it.

Watching the universal lack of curiosity about pallets of bricks just materializing conveniently in locations where mostly peaceful commies would be wrecking stuff..
And who paid for them was just as mysterious as the frikken Georgia Guidestones. Surely Nobody saw a truck deliver them. Probably not any kinda marking on the bricks or the pallet.. Or,barring it being just Too Easy, someone who was actually Curious might do something weird,, like Take a brick, visit the places where they Sell pallet loads of bricks and, ohh, I dunno,, maybe ASK who ordered a delivery to the street they were delivered to? I Know,, running down answers like that is just Outside the ability of anyone.. Phht! Can't be done,, that is just silly talk..

I'm kinda cynical, I know, but I was left thinking Someone was just supplying the mostly peaceful commies with stuff to throw.
I admit I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist,, I am..

wendyworn said...

conspiracy realist justin.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing out that J6 was a planned exercise to demoralize the populace. The same as having a senile President. And spending billions to support a puppet government around the world, led by an actor with zero political or military experience. Oh and all the t4ans and hyper secksualized school age indoctrination. All designed to demoralize the population.