Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Music: Oregon Jam 1983ish?

I can't remember the exact year it was that I went to the Oregon Jam. I can't find it now because the internet doesn't go back that far. I think I was still in high school – but my brain doesn't go back that far either. A bunch of dumb kids going to an all day outdoor concert with no water, food or money was not the highlight of my life. I do remember that Journey was playing and I believe Foreigner as well. Worst sunburn I've ever had in my life. I don't think we actually stayed to hear Journey because after six hours in the hot sun, we decided to give up and just go home.

I was a big Journey fan back then though. Here are some of my favorite songs.



Cederq said...

I was there at Oregon Jam, 1983. Down in Eugene. Were you the cute chick that kept smiling at me? I thought you just had colic... I agree that concert sucked! Not much water and out in that hot sun, no shade. That stadium was fine for night games, not for a daytime concert. Took my brother down there for his birthday and I wanted to listen to Sammy Hagar and Nightranger.

wendyworn said...

OMG! small world cederq!