Monday, July 17, 2023

Mystery Solved

As I wrote about before here, Brendon Lee O'Connell's you tube channel doesn't exist anymore. I knew someone, somewhere would have an explanation on what happened and I was right. Some kind soul posted this link on beforeitsnews.

I guess Brendon was doing a live broadcast and ranting about the new movie “Sound of Freedom” and his channel was taken down mid-stream. He was referencing this excellent video showing that if you scratch the surface you will find that the funding for this movie can be traced back to the perpetrators. You can hear him talk about the situation on his patreon page – (this page is free). For the record I do not agree with him about Add Ream A Chrome. Yes – it is real.

I'd also like to give a hat tip to both Miss Sage Hanna and Conspiracy Sarah who have done amazing research on what the ultimate agenda is for the normies who will watch the movie and become motivated to...

Chip Your Kid.

You do not get to be in theaters unless you are pushing some agenda and it is moving everyone towards the enemies goals.

Anyway – had a nice relaxing weekend. Totally enjoyed watching Pence's career go down in flames. It is always nice to see the enemy destroy themselves.

Back to work. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

That is what my thoughts were when I first saw the trailers for that movie... What agenda is behind this, NO one opens to this many theaters and fanfare(negative as it were) with out big money and big boys behind it. What clinches my ideas about this, the Freemasons are behind it...

Anonymous said...

They wasted Epstein to keep him from naming names on this issue...and got away with it. Nobody lost their jobs and there wasn't any meaningful inquiry. They just called it a 'suicide', shrugged their shoulders and called it a day. Whole thing got memory holed, like clockwork. That should give an idea of the power they wield and how far they're willing to go

If a movie like this (or any other 'big revelation' re: UFOs) is being allowed to see the light of day, it's because either: a.) they ain't afraid of it or the people involved with it; or b.) The whole thing is controlled opposition and it's there for 'show' to placate the masses.