Monday, August 28, 2023

Off to a Good Start

Well, the left and right enemy forces are trying to start a civil war. Mainly because they are running out of ideas to pull to get us distracted from them. We keep catching them in the act and their false flag whatevers are failing more and more. Every time they try to instill fear the mocking intensifies. Keep up the good work.

I had written a long blog post about putting the leashes away and washing all the bedding and other stuff that had to be done, but I decided not to publish it. It made me sad and would have made you all sad and nobody needs that. The grocery store did take back my unopened bag of dog food that I bought last week even though I didn't have a receipt. It was almost $30 so that was good.

I actually had a really nice relaxing weekend and didn't push myself too hard. Made a big batch of taco meat and actually found some non-gmo taco shells. Yummy taco's were had by all. Also made nachos for my husband the next day and we have left over meat for lunches.

I was actually happy that I ended up with two Sunday music days because I spent a lot of time jamming out to old rock tunes. They were the predictive programmers of their time, but it doesn't matter. The music is still excellent.

In other news – poor Bob Barker died at age 99 in his home this weekend. He was a long-running game show host and did a lot of charity work against cruelty to animals. I will always remember him most for kicking Adam Sandler's ass:

RIP Bob. Hope you all had a good weekend. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Whew, I am back on. The internet and phone service went off some time Saturday and just came back up. Sorry I wasn't able to comment on yesterdays music, but, the Styxs aren't mine and my weird friends first choice. Too hard rock for my tastes, Phil and some of the old reprobates would enjoy it.

It is smokier then hells kitchen here with all the fires close by. We are waiting for an evac order if it gets worse. My lungs are on fire with all the smoke and my voice is rough. I know, quit whining... Just glad the power is still on so I can run the damn AC, I hate AC, rather be warm, but you can't keep the windows open.

Look for an email.

wendyworn said...

Im glad you are ok. I'm working at the moment so I will answer your email later today.