Friday, October 13, 2023

Avoiding the Crazy on Friday the 13th

There are a lot of rumors flying around of possible happenings that may or may not occur today. It is important to have a heads up and prepare, but not to get into fear. has an excellent video posted that everyone should watch:

Solar Eclipse this Saturday and wild weekend for jihadis…

For a sanity break – I decided to make lemon bars. I had a couple lemons in my crisper drawer that needed to be used and I followed this recipe:

Perfect Lemon Bars

They turned out wonderful and were far better than anything you could make out of a box.

Here are several links to posts I really feel are important written by saner minds this week:

Set Your Clock

Testing times

Israel-Hamas “war” – another excuse to shut down free speech

It's not a bad idea to recheck your bug-out bag. (I don't know what idiot packed my bug-out bag (me) but it was literally the worst bug-out bag I've ever seen.) Except for a plastic rain poncho and a huge roll of duct tape – there was nothing in it that was worth a crap for actual survival. I mean a couple tea bags and some instant decaf coffee among other things? How does one expect to live through the apocalypse on decaf? So I was glad I checked because it needs to be re-packed.

It doesn't hurt to top off the gas in your car and buy some extra groceries – but if you are already set for those things, I recommend staying home today, just in case.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there – see you on Sunday.


Justin_O_Guy said...

Decaf? In a survival bag? Might wanna tape the suicide hotline number on that alleged coffee. Funny how they use orange on the decaf pots at the restaurants. Like the barrels of toy guns.
Orange, it's the New Impotent.

wendyworn said...

Lol! yeah - I don't know what I was thinking on the decaf. I'm re packing it with real coffee - plus first aid stuff that I didn't have before. Hopefully I do a better job this time.

Cederq said...

Lemon bars? I love me some lemon bars. Decaf? Might as well get brown food die and mix in with hot water... What were you thinking? Is it a bag you can carry on your shoulder or a back pack? You want your hands free except for carrying a rifle, a side arm? You have a stout, sharp knife, about 6" to 8" long with a stiff spine? And a knife for skinning game? Those are the bare essentials besides something to wipe and carry water with some way to purify?

wendyworn said...

its a duffel bag. thanks for the reminder about a knife. I will make sure one gets in there.

JL said...

Don't forget a good tinderbox, some utility candles, and some waterproof matches.

wendyworn said...

thanks JL! I was just thinking about you today. hope you are doing well

JL said...

:) That's really sweet of you, ma'am.

I'm still alive and kicking, for now. Lucifer still doesn't want me taking his recliner, I suppose. So I'm just getting geared up for another harsh Canadian winter.

I hope you and your husband are doing well down there, despite the crazy times we live in. Do take care, OK?