Monday, October 23, 2023

Words of Wisdom


Cederq said...

Watched it on another blog yesterday, he is so right and finally the Europeeons are starting to get a clue and fighting back. It may take generations, but they didn't learn the first or numerous times mooslems have invaded Europe. Hopefully they learn as well as us not to let them in.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I didn't like history. Asking,, Why do I need to know what They did, back then?
Well, boy,you need to know what They did so you can see the mistakes and avoid them.
Then I watched allegedly educated people Do exactly what didn't work somewhere else. America hasn't learned from the mistakes we made yesterday. Or,maybe they weren't Mistakes, at all. Drunk monkeys hitting buttons to vote yes or no on the crap bills the monsters propose would not screw us as bad.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Are Europeons classier than us regular peons?

Cederq said...

No Justin, they just think they are. You ever met a Eurotrash? Same as UStrash only with an snobbish attitude

Justin_O_Guy said...

No,Cederq, haven't met any of those, I did get to drive a Eurotrash car once.