Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Great Taking

Recently I read the book, “The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb, that has been making the rounds on many websites. It was an excellent little book, only 150 pages, that lays out the history of how we got here from the financial point of view. It is free online here:

The Great Taking

Here is the audio version:

This is another video from Neil McCoy-Ward. He reviews the book, and although I don't agree with some of his opinions on the book, he does verify the claims stated in it.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I just got back from Eugene a short time ago, started bleeding a small amount, enough to concern me in my urine, seems they didn't tie off the renal artery well, so they went in and sutured the artery again under a local. Yes, I drove up there at 4am this morning and drove back, why the local. I have heard of "The Great Taking" by Webb. I am glad you provided a link to it and will read it in the next few days after I recuperate a bit. I started listening to the vid from Neil McCoy-Ward(I hate hyphenated names, pretentious...) and I surely don't enjoy listening to him speak, but I am going to slug it out and listen for the 45 minutes. A good topic for today!

wendyworn said...

I'm sorry to hear that Cederq! I hope you get well soon!

I got a lot out of the book. there was a lot of info in it that I was not aware of.

wendyworn said...

sorry - been busy all morning and now have to run a bunch of errands. should have a post up tomorrow