I am filled with excitement! Today I am doing up the last of my laundry and packing. I really wish I had that Mary Poppins bag that I was talking about since I may not be able to shut my suitcase when everything is said and done. Maybe I will have to cut some more stuff at the last minute. But it's all good.
Tomorrow my dad is taking me to the bus station around 9am and the bus leaves at 10am. I am taking my computer because the website says that they have wifi and plug ins for your computer on the bus. But you never know. I will touch base from the bus if I can, but if not, I will post when I can. Not sure what my internet access will be once I get into Wyoming. Please pray for me while I travel.
I talked to my aunt this morning who said that on Saturday my one cousin is getting baptized and they are having a BBQ after that we will go to. Cool, more BBQ's! My personal goal is to lose 80 pounds while I am in Wyoming - but even that is ordered by the Lord so I will leave it in His hands and keep working on that lifestyle change, one day at a time.
Love you all and we'll talk again soon!
Blessings in Christ
Praying for you Sis! It is always a new adventure moving to another city or even state.
You are so right about even losing weight being ordered of the Lord, that is a FACT! Everything is in his own time and way.
I think about the 40 pounds I had lost this time last year, and then how I gained ALL of that back in less than a year.
The Lord showed me clearly how he allowed me to gain that weight back so that I could learn new ways of eating less and eating better.
Step by Step he has had me in check since I started this about two months ago. I don't have that desire to eat when I am feeling depressed like I use to anymore, God is truly doing something in me that I needed to happen.
So, I needed to get fat again WITH A PURPOSE! LOL!! haha..
I am losing weight now for the right reasons and in the right way. My mind is becoming renewed regarding food, etc..It is truly a NEW THING God is doing with me and I needed this.
I am not sure how weight I have lost, I don't do scales that much. I said I will weigh myself at the end of the 3 months, this is the 2nd month. I have definitely lost at least close to 20 pounds, that I do know.
The truth is, it is not about the pounds anymore, it is about feeling and being healthy and not eating to fill my boredom and emptiness.
Well Sis, I am praying for you and I know God has a plan either way. You are in his hands and can never be snatched out..
Love ya!
Thank you so much for your comments and your prayers. Your comments are always so encouraging and it really means alot to me.
I know what you are saying about the eating and the losing weight since I am really going through similar things. I am actually hoping there will be less food available in Wyoming because it is food food food here all the time and it makes it very difficult to stay on a healthy plan. I am hoping that the Lord will deliver me from my weight issues for good in the coming year. I'll talk to you more about that later!
love ya!
You are so welcome my Sister! I can't wait for the day I get to leave this State..Let me tell ya, I will feel just as happy as you or happier..whew!! I am so ready to leave here as much as you are ready to leave...SO, I know that feeling..lol!
Yes, sometimes environments will have an effect on the way we eat. There are also times we have to learn how to not allow our environments to dictate our choices as well. But, even that comes in time and when God shows us that lesson. I am learning that now, this is my lesson.
One of the things too is that I am buying healthier foods and not a lot of the 'junk' I was eating before.
I believe God is going to help you, he does not leave us as we are. It is just all in his time and way. I feel this is going to be a total lifestyle thing for me, I don't see myself going back to some of those habits. I know he will deliver you, just expect it Sis. Just expect it!!.
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