Saturday, January 14, 2023

Genuinely Curious

I started out this morning going to the Conservative Treehouse blog. Sandwiched between a blog post on how great the latest video put out by Russell Brand was, complete with a picture of him with his arms stretched out and his 33 tattoo clearly visible, and a post concerning the recent Twitter files dump that clearly states that public comments are monitored for nefarious reasons, was a post asking people to state WHY they did not get the shot.

Now, I may not normally have had a problem with this post, but Sundance stated THREE times that he was only asking because he was “genuinely curious”. When I am writing up a blog post I try not to say the same thing over and over. I will try to look at alternative ways of saying it so as not to repeat myself. The fact that he used the same wording “genuinely curious” three times in two paragraphs set off my radar. You know who else may be genuinely curious as to why? The enemy.

There is a school of thought that when you say something three times it becomes a spell. The kind of spell that puts people to sleep so that they don't question why you are asking and in what capacity will you be using the information. In fact, I feel that if you really were just asking because you were genuinely curious it would be unnecessary to state that three times. As in, a little too over the top reassurances. I believe you were required to say Betelgeuse name three times in order to summon him. Of course this entire paragraph could just be crazy talk!

By the time I finally sat down to write this, the original genuinely curious post had been updated and bumped up to the top. You have to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the post to see where he stated genuinely curious three times. The update just gushed about how over 2000 people responded. I'm sure that information can now be fed into the Database From Hell and the evil AI can figure out a way to convince those respondents to change their minds and bow down and roll up their sleeves. Or not. Who knows. Could just be the way I'm seeing it...

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Repeating a question three times, or making a statement three times is a common strategy in psych and behavioral therapy. You are correct in assuming, the brain responds to threes for some reason not yet understood completely. Hypnotherapy and circus hypnotists are aware of this phenomenon to make suggestions and implant whatever is presented. It seems by the third iteration the brain takes it as a truth and absorbs and not question. That is why it is dangerous to susceptible people, too easy to brainwash and manipulate.

wendyworn said...

Thank you! It really just hit me as not quite right when I was reading it. Plus the original location of the post.

I definitely felt a psy op vibe there. Glad you saw it too.

Cederq said...

Sundance was too obvious and amateurish in his delivery. It was like he found a new toy and was eager to show off the world his new toy. It is the subtle and quiet ones you have to fear. If it makes sense to you, you may have already have the hook set. That it is wise to question everything, look upon any statement, paragraph and dissect it. Be as Christ said, be gentile as a dove, be wise as a serpent. Keep watch of the memes I post on Bustenuckles, you may think they are random nonsense, innocent and some self-depreciating posts, they were picked with purpose. I have increased Busted's statistics by over 60% and his blog is one of the larger ones now. I guess you can't take the behavior out of a behaviorist...

wendyworn said...

I love the memes over at bustedknuckles. although I really think you should post more ham hocks and beans pictures. it drives filthie nuts - haha - oh and cabbage

Cederq said...

Filthie is a special project... He does have a unique look on life. We email quite often and he is a nice guy. We twitch each other's nose often.

wendyworn said...

I love filthie's take on life. I notice he mentions you guys frequently. He definitely does not pull any punches

Steve said...

That's why I NEVER answer posts that ask "what restaurant from your youth that is no longer available ". Or "what candy bar from your youth is no longer available ".
Those are just inane questions that seem innocuous. BUT, I guarantee that some one catalogs the answers.

wendyworn said...

steve - I am going to address your comment in an upcoming blog post. but yes I agree