Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Bunnies and Stuff

It's been on my mind to take the time to sit and write about what is going on in my life these days. I've been busy but nothing to write home about. Literally. I even have a hard time talking on the phone because after a while, talking about laundry and making lunches and saving a few dollars at the grocery store just doesn't seem that exciting. But it is peaceful.

I am making a point every morning to walk the trash down to the little store dumpster. It forces me to get out of the house and take my walk before it gets too hot around here. For that, I really miss the dog. There is a little brown bunny that eats grass near our RV. He is there every day and he doesn't run away because he knows I'm not going to hurt him. I speak softly and tell him what a blessing he is to me. I thank God for little things like that.

I've been restocking my water stash in preparation for winter. I'm emptying out the old water and filling it with fresh. This will be the fourth winter we will be in Kansas and every year we have been frozen and had no water for two weeks. This stash has been very useful in that situation and I want to make sure it is ready for what may be coming in just a few short months.

I have a job interview on Thursday. I'm planning on giving myself a manicure tomorrow to get ready. I really hope they just hire me. Job hunting sucks.

Hope you all are well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

My prayers for your job! It is nice how well you are doing and coping with living in Kansas, I still want to know if you have your ruby red pumps yet? Isn't that a law in Kansas, after 6 months you qualify for your permanent ruby red pumps?

wendyworn said...

I wish. I'd love to click my heels three times and be home. (not sure where that is anymore)

Tree Mike said...

Good fortune on your interview. Sorry about the loss of your dog, I can't live without them, well, I haven't lived with out them for 45ish years.
We don't have enough bunnies to be a problem,so I've trained my dogs to leave them, the deer and turkeys alone around the house. When we go for walks in the woods, THOSE critters are fair game, dogs haven't caught one yet.
My new dog, bitten by a copperhead a year ago, warns me when he finds ANY sneks.
So sorry you're stuck in bum phuque Kansas. I spent 3 years in Wichita (USAF '69-72), much different experience when you have a steady income, living in "mom's" barracks.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the job hunt.
