Friday, August 16, 2024

Praying For the Will of the Father

I talk to my little sister almost every night. She calls me from her car on her way back from work. We talk about everything going on in the world, the various dramas of the day to day grind, but mostly we talk about how the Lord is working in our lives and how he takes care of all our needs.

I mentioned that I've found a new lady on youtube that I have been listening to, who is very sweet and kindof reminds me of mom. You can see her house is spotless in the background which is amazing since she has two little sheddy dogs.

My sister said she listened to a woman (she didn't say who) that said she was going to pray for God's will in her life for 7 days. My sister said, “I kind of feel like I need to do that.” I thought so too, so we agreed that we were going to spend the next seven days praying only to know the Father's will for our lives.

Today was the first day and what an amazing day it has been. The Lord directed me to an area of the house that gets neglected because I never really see it. So I scrubbed under the hood of the stove. It was pretty grimy and needed to be done. Now I can't stop looking at it. How funny.

Next, about 10 minutes before my timer was supposed to go off my husband asked me to get him a soda. I was going to wait for the timer but I felt the Lord nudge me to attend my husbands needs. It also reminded me that the Lord's will right now, is for me to take the best care of my husband that I can while he is still with us. So I got up and handed him a pop and spent a few minutes with him and clipped his fingernails. I would have been willing to give his hair a trim and shave his face, but he wasn't in the mood for that right now.

Later I got a phone call from my niece that I haven't seen for probably five years or so. She told me that she had bought a van and was thinking about driving down the coast and living in it like I had done. I got a chance to really share the Lord with her. I told her the story about when I first went out on the road for the Lord, I stayed with her and her dad for a couple days. She was about four or five at the time. (“I remember that!” she said.)

Her dad had taken me to a spot which most tourists never see where the fishing boats come in at the end of the day. I was standing at the railing looking out over the water and said in my heart, Lord is it really Your will that I am taking this journey in my van? Just then a boat sailed past. The name on the boat was God's Will. I think my chin may have hit the pier I was so surprised to see it. When I turned around there was another boat. The name of that boat was Sojourn. Quite a confirmation.

My niece loved that story and told me that she was so glad that she had called me and that God had put it on her heart. I told her she can call me anytime. After we hung up, I just sat there amazed, thankful for the opportunity to be able to talk about the Lord with my niece and encourage her to put her trust in Him.

Lastly, I felt the Lord directed me to write it all down and post it on my blog – which brings us to here. Ha ha.

Hope you all are doing well. Keep prepping and praying!

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Praying, praying, praying...

Tree Mike said...

The Lord WILL get the signal out. We just need to pay attention. Glad you're getting it.

Phil said...

I like this idea, thanks for sharing it.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Not going to get personal, but the God activity I have observed over the last two years is truly amazing when you pay attention and are able to see it. One of my daily devotional mentors talks about how we need to pray for our leaders. I struggle with that Mightily, but he is right as long as we pray for the right things for them as well. Thank you for what you do and have a blessed week.