Friday, August 9, 2024

Post Interview Stress Out

I didn't sleep very well the night before my interview. I was really tired in the morning. I did everything I was supposed to getting ready but I was just going through the motions. I had this dragging my feet feeling. I suck at interviews.

I had written down google instructions on how to get there. I was supposed to turn left on 6th Street from East Street. Except there was no 6th Street off of East. Only a 5th and a 7th, and 5th was a gravel road. I decided to drive down 5th and found a road that went up to 6th, which was an overpass. So weird. I got to the interview with 7 minutes to spare so I was happy.

I met with three people. The manager, a lawyer and a tattooed HR lady. The interview went ok. I hate when they ask me what my weaknesses are because I'm honest and then we spend the next 10 minutes analyzing why I am the way I am. Literally sucks to be me. Next time, I'm just going to say that my weakness is that I'm too honest or that I'm giving up weaknesses for Lent. Except, I'm not Catholic. So of course, I spent the rest of the day stressing out over my answers. Just give me the stupid job. I will be good at it.

There was an Aldi on the way back home that I've never been to, but I've heard a lot about them. The carts cost a quarter to use. Whatever! I suppose that is to deter homeless people from stealing it. I just found it annoying and refused to do it. A fellow customer asked me if I needed a quarter. I thanked her and said no. Their prices weren't super great except for their cheese. A ten pack of sliced cheddar costs $1.75 which is four dollars at the little store and six at the regular grocery store. The store also doesn't carry grocery bags – paper or plastic. I was not about to spend 98 cents for one of their reusable bags. Luckily, there was a cardboard box on the window sill and the checker said I could have it. It was less than 17 dollars for the groceries so it was worth it to stop in. I told my husband that when I get this job I could stop there for cheese and see what else they had.

Anyway, hope you all are well. Take care out there.


Ian J said...

I hope they offer it to you, you deserve it

wendyworn said...

thanks Ian!

Cederq said...

But, but you get your quarter back! I don't like Aldi's woke policy and the selection aren't that great. If you get somethings cheaper there and if it becomes on your way to work. I guess take some shopping bags. We have to do that in the wonderful world of communist Oregon, or if you are lucky pay the $.05 cents for one of their cheap, weak assed bags that are festooned with advertisement. I pray you get the job, but an inked HR slore? This "place" couldn't be a little more selective with their supposedly professional hires?

wendyworn said...

15 minutes ago I applied for a different job in a town much closer. 10 minutes ago and they called me for an interview. so all is not lost

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'm still trying to figure out how I would answer
What are your weaknesses?? Sheesh.. Well, if you need it painted and you have unlimited time and you really want it ugly,I'm yerguy..

Eraser said...

When asked what your weaknesses are, say you have none and be silent. They generally have no answer for that, but if they say "nothing", you say it again. Works for me, anyway.
Aldi's is a pretty good store. You have to watch prices wherever you go, but they carry some brands from Europe that have no corn syrup and hydro-bubblized oils that will dead you in a week.

wendyworn said...

sorry it took so long to post this eraser. just found it in the spam folder for some reason