Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tin Foil Hat

A good friend and commentor sent me a little care package yesterday. In it was a bona fide tin foil hat like the one pictured above. It's pretty nice. It has a felt lining and a little chin strap to keep it in place. My husband and I got a good chuckle out of that. It was an appropriate gift to send with the EMF reader he sent me. I want to test my hypothesis that we are being microwaved at night. I seem to wake up every night at 3am with a headache and it is consistently hotter at night here than during the day. I remember the days when it cooled off at night. Not sure when I will have time to play with it, but I will let you know my findings.

My job interview went very well. Next up is 2nd interviews, so I will wait and see if I get one. I believe I will. Haven't heard anything yet from the interview I did last week.

It is starting to cool off just a tad. We had a couple cold mornings last week, but not cold enough to turn the heater on just yet. Winter is definitely coming my friends.

Take care out there.


Joe Narcoleptic said...

Can you offer up information about the meter? I've been suspecting similar antics in my neck of the woods in eastern Washington state, and could entertain the idea of picking one up to test the theory in similar fashion. The more you learn about what's going on in our world at all levels, the less peace you have without Jesus.

wendyworn said...

so true. I don't know how people are coping without Jesus in their lives. I'm hoping to get some time this weekend to check out the meter and hopefully do a write up for Monday possibly.

Cederq said...

You have to wear your tin foil hat while walking around the neighborhood and when you drive around when you check your EMF meter... please post a picture of you doing so. We need a good chuckle in the mornings...

Justin_O_Guy said...
