Thursday, August 15, 2024

Here We Go Again

I guess the all knowing, all powerful World Health Organization or WHO? Has declared monkeypox to be the new boogyman virus that we should all be masking up for. I was going to write a little about the situation but Phil over at Bustednuckles said it best:

You Do See What They Are Trying To Pull Again Don't You?

I agree with him wholeheartedly, especially the strangling part. Of course the CDC – tools that they are, are recommending 2 doses of the vaccine. I can't imagine it will get the same traction as before, but then again, I was shocked how many people fell for it the first time.

Sigh. Take care out there.  



Cederq said...

I'll do one better, not have butt sex with males(females too) I ain't gonna mask up, I ain't gonna get the shots. I will stick with the social distancing, I don't like most people and this is the best idea to come out of that all the BS. Now I don't feel awkward at standing away from sheepeople as I used to before.

Anonymous said...

Lets declare a pandemic when it is only spread by sexual contact. 98% of cases are gay men, the other 2% are 'wives' of gay men aka beards, and sadly children being raised by gay men.
If they stopped committing the sin of sodomy for a month it would be done and over but nope were going to see massive lockdowns again for normal people but gay hookup sites will stay open.


Don't mind me. said...

Could it be they're finally running out of crises ideas? Or is this just another election distraction?
Next week's going to be interesting in Chicago. Also, we're about to get shamed in the Middle East- maybe this will be the end of Israel.
What a time to be alive!

wendyworn said...

running out of crises ideas - ha ha -if only that were possible

Anonymous said...

Monkeypox, mpox, mpx, mp etc. They last tried this felgercarb JUST after most normal people knew covid was toast. Amusingly, it gained traction because NOT ONCE did it disclose that it was confined to the gay men arena ( see what I did there? ). Once THAT little factoid hit the interwebz, the "fear" of monkey pox vanished like the morning fog.

So now we are supposed to believe, that it's a DIFFERENT virus, moar scary, and really, really can transmit by touching? What's next on the menu an aerosol vector? CDC / WHO / MAL ( Morons at large ), give it up, we don't believe you anymore.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

If they truly were all knowing and all powerful, we would really be in trouble