I was reading in Exodus today about the original passover when the children of Israel put the blood of the passover lamb on the lentils and doorposts. (Exodus 12) I was struck by the fact that now, in our day, we are the houses that are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and the destroyer cannot touch us.
Oooo! I hate the devil. All day long he tries to tell me that I am not a child of God. That I should just get a job already and move out of my parents house. In obedience I wait here, knowing this truth:
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalm 127:1
Where would I go to find a job, if the Lord has not given me the job? Where would I drive to if the Lord has not sent me? Where could I run to where the Lord would not be with me? No. I stay here and wait upon the Lord because this is the provision that He has provided.
The way is straight and the gate is narrow. The cross is what is expected of us to get every last bit of Egypt out and the hope of glory Christ with in. There is no going back to drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and playing video games. That life is gone now, it is vanity and empty wasting of time, marking down the days till death activities. Crazy black friday shopping sales and HDTV. So much meaningless conversation. No one wants to talk about the Lord, or His Word, they definately don't want to talk about sin and the cross. Thank God, I know I have fellow brethren out here in cyberspace that feel the same way during the holidays.
Get thee behind me Satan, I am not going back to the old life and the old loves.
Thank you so much Lord for your promises that we can hold onto and resist the devil so that he will flee from us. Thank you that nothing can pluck me out of your hand. Thank you for being in me, for your Holy Spirit, for the blood of Jesus that covers us and justifies us and sanctifies us from this low down dirty world. In the name and authority of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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