I have had a really bad cold the last couple days, which I believe is an attack to try to destroy my resolve to participate in the upcoming corporate 21-day fast that you can read about here. I'm not boasting about it, but since I am participating in it, I will be talking about this fast for the next couple weeks. I encourage anyone who wants to participate to check it out.
Besides being sick - the world has apparently gone crazy. There are dead birds falling out of the sky and dead fish and crabs washing up on shore and cameras going up at every street corner. There are men whose hearts are failing them for fear of what is coming on the earth and there is more talk of disclosure and UFOs/Aliens, etc. There are logos that depict 3-strand DNA and 33's and 17's and you can draw a straight line from the walls of Jerusalem to my parents front porch. Doe's it mean anything? Maybe-Maybe not. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy a good memefest as well as the next guy.
The point is, it does not matter what is going on it the world. The word says that evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, and we know from the scripture that this world will pass away in a ball of fire.
I don't have the space to list all the verses but I urge you to read 2 Peter 3. Our eyes are open to the tricks of the adversary and we are not ignorant of his devices and the judgements of God are also coming since He is sovereign. So, since we see this shouldn't we be the more about our Fathers business knowing that time is short for the people of the world? What manner of persons ought we to be? Our conversation should be holy and full of godliness and we should be praying and interceding for the lost because it is the Will of the Father that they should turn and repent and be saved.
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. 2Pe 3:17
Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth, yet he did not get to enter the promised land. Solomon was the wisest man on the face of the earth, yet he was an idolator in the end, and did not walk perfect before the Lord. We see the dark days in front of us - we need to take it up a notch and fast and pray for our loved ones and seek the Father's will that we are doing His work and not our own. Pray for each other and especially your brothers and sisters in the Lord, that we all might be without spot and wrinkle before the Lord and that none fall by the wayside.
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1Cr 10:12
Dear Heavenly Father, Please help us to know what Your will for us is daily. Help those who are lost that they may be saved and help those who are saved, that they may be found worthy to escape the things coming on this earth. Thanks always for your provision and protection in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior! Amen.
Jesus bless you. My girlfriend and I are also preparing for the corporate fast and have been battling little colds for the last few days. The enemy is afraid of what he knows we can accomplish. I count it as a blessing :) thanks for sharing sis.
The Lord bless you and your girlfriend Ernie~!
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