Thursday, September 14, 2023

Oh No! Not Owen Shroyer!!!

Oh please. The newest fake court case in the fringe news is of Owen Shroyer getting sentenced to two months in prison for allegedly just exercising his 1st Amendment rights of free speech. Uh huh.

There is a very interesting little video (approx. 24 minutes long) of Owen talking about the case to Alex Jones:

Political Prisoner Owen Shroyer Gives Exclusive Interview After Sentencing For Free Speech!

If you are not familiar with Owen Shroyer – he has his own show on Infowars. If you don't know by now, Infowars is a complete controlled opposition gatekeeping channel hosted by Alex Jones who I have written about before.

Now I actually like Owen Shroyer. But that doesn't mean he isn't controlled opposition. That is exactly what he is. You can still get nuggets of truth from these people, just don't trust them as real truth-tellers.

In case you don't want to go see the video (and I can't say that I blame you) I'm going to give you my observations.

First of all, Owen is being interviewed standing in front of a brick wall. That is a subtle hint to people in the know that the Freemasons are behind the situation and that it is totally fake.

Fun Fact: the first use of the word brick in the bible was concerning the building of the Tower of Babel.

There is a banner up across the bottom with which later turns into Got to have the GiveSendGo pages to get the already cash strapped public to give their hard earned dollars to these fake legal funds. Not to mention possible money laundering for a job well done. Five times one or the other brought up fund-raising. Open your wallets people!

Four times they said, “What they are doing to us first, they will do to you” Fear Porn to get you to self-censor. If you take it to the logical conclusion – if they are not really doing it to them first – are they even able to do it to us? I think not.

Three times they flashed headlines that stated, “First Amendment Martyr” in reference to Owen. Laughable but whatever. Speaking of flashed – I saw several questionable hand signals from our buddy Alex.

Around the 23 minute mark, after the Owen interview is over and it is just Alex, he has the audacity (and dare I say blasphemy) to literally compare himself to Christ in his pursuit of fighting for free speech. Then he states that God gave him a contract that he signed in blood. Wow. I only know of one god out there that expects you to sign a contract in blood – and it isn't my Heavenly Father. So now we know WHO Alex Jones is really working for, signed contract and all.

I think that about covers it. Keep prepping and praying my friends. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Alex Jones is/was too bombastic and drama queen for my tastes. I don't know how you can watch anything from him, or any of his sycophants. You are right, they use all sorts of symbolism in their surroundings. If you had the equipment to slow down a segment of what ever they are discussing, you would also see subluminal messaging flashed, too quick to see it, but your subconscious is aware of it, isn't TV programming fun? That is what it is doing, programming you like a computer. Ever wonder what you aren't seeing on your computer monitor?

wendyworn said...

I can't stand the sound of Alex's voice, but I do it so you don't have to cederq. Lol

Cederq said...

I thank you for sparing me the indignity and my sanity had I been forced to watch him...

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'm just such a cad. A user of humanity. I don't watch videos until I've read the comments. Aaand, once again, I don't Hafta watch.
Thanks, Wendy. I wouldn't have the details. Wouldn't have made the connections.

wendyworn said...

you are welcome Justin!

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'll see what I can do to give you a giggle from time to time,and you keep my ankle outta the dammo bear traps. Deal?

wendyworn said...

Deal! I do enjoy a good laugh

Tree Mike said...

Well, thank you, I didn't know he was THAT controlled. THEY have multiple competing factions, gives the impression of enemies. Satan has no problem with his various factions competing and back stabbing each other. Competition keeps the minions sharp and the weak/stupid ones weeded out.