Friday, September 29, 2023

What to Wear

The clown show continues. First the Senate voted to slob out to accommodate Fetterman's inability to dress himself. But the mocking intensified to such a level that they had to quietly impose a dress code. I guess Fetterman knows how to dress after all. This is the low our country finds itself in. Sad.

The dollar still exists for now. My groceries this morning were less than two hundred dollars and local gas has gone down 20 cents. I'll take what I can get.

I had to upgrade my internet in order to keep my job. I got the piece of equipment this morning and will install it before work. I'll let you know in the comments how it works out for me. God is in control.

Take care out there. See you on Sunday.


Cederq said...

So instead of crawling, you can now stumble along? Did you have get a larger bandwidth piece of equipment or a 5G piece of spying/radiation crap so they can spy on you whilst you work and relax? Some companies feel that since they pay you, they can dictate your off duty hours and activities. The hospital I worked at wanted to know my off duty whereabouts and contact info as cell phones were becoming a thing as they felt I was "on call" in case of major disaster or not enough nurses on staff. Yeah, that went over like a sardine in the collection plate. I genteelly explained to them I was not a slave nor indentured or even paid to be "on call." You have an enjoyable weekend, enjoy your one small plastic bag of $200 bucks of groceries. I am glad they somewhat saner heads, and yes even that is an oxymoron prevailed and reestablished a dress code. I wear shorts and a t shirt must of the time, but I have a couple of suits and business casual attire to be presentable, and if all fails I have jeans if I have to wear trousers...

wendyworn said...

Well, the new internet was a bust. So my job is gone. I'm packing up my equipment now. Let's see how God is going to handle the situation. I'm expecting miracles myself. Not worried at the moment. Kind of relieved in a way. I'm been under daily pressure for over a month. Anyway, that's that.

BigCountryExpat said...

That sucks!
DM me and I'll see what's out there... I know a bunch of remote work-from-home places (that I've done in the past) HMU at

wendyworn said...

thanks BCE - I will soon.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Wendy! I’m praying for you and I’m sure a bunch of other folks are praying too. Something always works out. God will help!

wendyworn said...

thanks John! I very much appreciate the prayers!

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'm glad you're not worried. I'm a good smartass, but times like this, I don't know what to say. It's good that you have friends. And God,,always good to see someone with their faith.

wendyworn said...

Justin - what you said was just right. I do have good friends and God. Thanks for commenting.

Tree Mike said...

Well hell...Yeah, I know, God will help. Maybe he just sent you BCE to help, he's a BIG to speak. Praying for you anyway, a little back up can't hurt.

wendyworn said...

Tree Mike - you are correct about that. Big Country is helping me in a huge way! It will take me a while to go through the links he sent but he is giving me massive ideas on things to look at especially taking some classes to possibly pad my resume. I will probably post about it on Monday.