Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Is it Just Me?

Or does it seem suspiciously quiet around here lately? I remember once when my cousin was over for lunch and our two little daughters were playing in the bedroom. It seemed very quiet back there all of a sudden so we walked back to the bedroom to check on them. My daughter had dumped an entire bottle of baby powder on my cousin's daughter's head. My daughter didn't even have the decency to look guilty as the other girl was sitting on the floor, covered head to toe in white powder.

I've seen a lot of headlines about how Elon talked to Tucker Carlson. Oh, please. Who cares. Elon will warn you about the coming Skynet/Terminator apocalypse as he secretly builds the ultimate Artificial Intelligence that will probably end up telling everyone they need to worship the beast or they will be killed. Screw that guy, don't be fooled. He is NOT our friend.

We have enormous gangs of feral youths taking to the streets in various cities. I wonder how that happens? Was it something in the air? I find it hard to believe it is spontaneous. Are they out there every night but this time there were gunshots? How does one get groups of 200 strong to run around wreaking havoc all on the same night in three or four different cities? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

It's Tuesday. For some odd reason I always seem to have computer issues on Tuesdays. The bots are getting restless. I've been trying to warn people at work that the bots are evil, but they all just laugh. I guess they won't be laughing when the bots take over the place and kick us all out.

Anyway – another day that the dollar hasn't crashed is a good one to me. Keep prepping and praying!

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

My mind is on a seized up, old IBM RAMAC drive...The calm before the storm? Even bad guys need a break sometimes.

wendyworn said...

all possibilities. hope you are well!

wendyworn said...

yeah - i don't trust that guy - and for some reason a lot of "patriots" do.

Anonymous said...

Well you won’t be getting any Christmas or birthday cards from, Igor with that attitude.
Hey look, CederQ I even posted that without a handle.

Steve said...

"...I wonder how that happens? Was it something in the air? I find it hard to believe it is spontaneous..."
Social media. The nefarious part about social media is the tranquilizer effect it has on the susceptible. Hours of gazing at a glass screen will dull the senses and impart a hypnotic affect. Those youts; didn't just suddenly "rise up" and spontaneously spew their hatred. They've been conditioned to act upon cue.
Boy, for me to write that REALLY is a leap of admission/thinking. I am of the opinion that humans are capable of critical thought. They are able to ,or should be able to, use reason in life. So the discussion of hypnotically/trained/sheeple is repugnant to me.
Yet, I can see it happening. Time and time again I see groups of human spawn laying waste to civilization.