Monday, April 3, 2023

Storms Coming

It was a beautiful morning yesterday at 9am. The sun was shining. It was the perfect temperature. Warm breeze. Completely blue skies with not a cloud in sight.

By 11:30am, the skies were filled with planes leaving crisscrossed white lines behind them. I was so pissed when I saw them. Later that evening it was incredibly hot and humid. Part of the warm front that will meet up later this week with the cold front, to produce perfect tornado weather. There have already been several tornados lately that have raised entire small towns to the ground. That's one way to devastate flyover country.

I was thankful, once again, to get paid on Friday. I paid my bills, rent, and pulled out cash. Bought groceries. I like to compare my local inflation numbers to the price of green onions. Seventy nine cents for a bundle. I've seen them as high as $1.47. Gas is holding steady at $3.04 per gallon.

Our RV is still good, no repairs needed. My husband's health is about the same. I trimmed his mustache yesterday since it has been getting into his mouth when he is eating. He needs a full on haircut, he is starting to look like Albert Einstein. Just haven't had the time.

My health is about the same as well. Been living on Ibuprophin and Aleve, but I've been able to get a lot of work done, which always makes me feel better.

Well, that's all for now. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Woke up to snow, going back to bed.............zzzzzz

wendyworn said...

yep! there is the cold front now...sleep tight

Anonymous said...

first time here. but watch how many of those OTC meds you take. I used to take them for years for back pain/knee pain
and over time they trashed my kidneys.
Aleve is really hard on your kidneys.
my doc told me I would be better off drinking instead.

wendyworn said...

thank you anon

Steve said...

Ditto the advice on OTC pain meds. I have started to take (along with my Vit D) Magnesium. Now taking a supplement isn't going to instantly make you feel better. It takes some time for the body to recognize the goodness that you are ingesting. Give it time and eventually you will start to see/feel a difference.

wendyworn said...

sorry it took so long steve - i found your comment in my spam folder.