Thursday, April 27, 2023

More on Bioengineering

I was talking to my sister about how I discovered that Nestle Hot Cocoa had a bioengineering ingredient on the label. She said, “Are you sitting down?” She went on to say, “here are the foods I found in my pantry that had bioengineering on the label”

Best Foods Mayonnaise

Pace Picante Sauce

Hidden Valley Ranch (in the dry packets. I didn't find it on the bottles of dressing...Yet.)

Bioengineered food is basically GMO. But, because of how they have decided to define the word “Bioengineered” they can essentially slip genetic modification into your food without you knowing it. They aren't going to put one of those big logos on the product like you see in the picture above either. They are going to hide it in the small print – possibly near the ingredient list, but not always. I have found it very difficult to find on the labels. You have to look very closely.

Here are some articles discussing the new label laws and differences:

GMO is out, 'bioengineered' is in, as new U.S. food labeling rules take effect

Bioengineered (BE) Food vs. GMO

"Bioengineered" or "GMO"?

This is also a video that discusses the differences as well:

It is becoming increasingly hard to find something that hasn't been genetically tampered with. I know there are people out there who think that gmo's are perfectly safe for you to consume, even good for you. I'm sorry – but that is a lie. It is a twisting of the natural God-created food into something that is literally against nature. There is truth in the saying, “You are what you eat.” I personally don't want to eat it or give my money to companies that put this in their food.

Take care out there.



Peteforester said...

I'm 110% with you! I've been trying to avoid anything with GMO ingredients, but it's getting really hard to do so! It's the same with soy. It's in EVERYTHING!

What it comes down to is this; if you can grow even a little bit of your own, you need to do it. If you can afford certified organic non-GMO, you need to buy that. And here's the hardest one; don't eat what you don't need to eat. Try to shun the "convenience" and junk foods. Most of us could probably benefit from this anyway. This sucks though because that stuff tastes good! Remember though, that mice end up in mousetraps all the time because they feel the same way about cheese...

wendyworn said...

yes - it is getting bad out there. I am trying to only eat clean food - I was sad about the mayo - but I had already switched to a generic brand because it was three dollars less than best foods. thanks for the comment pete!