Friday, February 24, 2023


I'm at a loss of what to write about. Not that I don't have enough to talk about - more like I have too much.

I feel a lot like this guy:

Waiting for Armageddon
I'm going to take a couple days off. Just to take the pressure off myself and maybe get some chores done. 
Hope you all are well. Try to stay warm.
Take care out there. 



Steve said...

I hear ya...and I sympathize. I canceled Facebook. Found I was spending hours on that crap per day. And not getting anything constructive done.
I have a genuine concern for the world....but then I realized the world doesn't care. I'm spending more time reading the Bible.

bob said...

85 and humid here in SW Florida.

wendyworn said...

totally agree steve

wendyworn said...

bob! send some of that warmth this way. it is 24 now but it was 9 this morning. brrrrrrr!

Cederq said...

Is the heater and the hot water still working? That is important! Take a day off or two, five maybe... I know how it goes, ya look at the keyboard and you don't want to keyboard, just play a game or read a book or even better a nap. Why I set up and schedule my posts a week or two in advance, even just single memes and enjoy a day or two of non-keyboarditis.

wendyworn said...

The heater and the hot water are still working, thank you for asking. it was just a good time to take a weekend off - there is just so much crazy going on out there right now. I may stay off the computer all day tomorrow....maybe :)

Cederq said...

Oh, NO! I will have a Wendyworn withdrawal symptoms... woe is me.

wendyworn said...

you are sweet!

wendyworn said...

thanks JL

Cederq said...

Girl, you are taking a few days off... everything okay?

wendyworn said...

im fine - don't worry