Monday, February 20, 2023

President's Day

This holiday used to mean something. Not anymore, although it is still a reason to have retail sales I suppose. Other than that - it doesn't even make the news, too many catastrophic events going on. I have to work today. Plus, I couldn't think of anything else to write about.

Take care out there.


Steve said...

Consumerism. The great American religion.

wendyworn said...


Cederq said...

Another made up Hallmark holiday. I know we had some good presidents maybe, maybe a couple of great ones, but I don't celebrate a man, any man. An idea, a great notion, that bettered our society I will celebrate. I celebrate our Lord.

Anonymous said...

It was only made up cuz they "had to" make mlk day a thing, so combined Abe Lincoln and George Washington's birthdays into the bullshit "presidents day". Y'know god forbid there be an extra paid holiday. When I was a kid we celebrated each of their birthdays separately to honor them. Now? Notsomuch. (And don't forget GW bday is this coming Wed the 22nd.)

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

It's a good thing, they can't do any damage when they are closed.

wendyworn said...