Friday, February 10, 2023

No Safe Spaces

 Police to Jail Gamers for their In-Game Speech

This may seem like a stupid story, but the idea the police could literally show up at your door for something you said in an online video game is crazy. Ubisoft has previously partnered with the ADL to go after possible “hate” speech violations in video games.

"The ADL's program for Ubisoft and other gaming companies revolves around spying on gamers, encouraging companies to ban users for espousing "hate speech" and "white supremacy," expanding in-game reporting systems to ban users for their speech and lobbying governments to change their laws to jail gamers for their online speech."

No area of life will be hidden from Big Brother. Of course what constitutes wrong-speak is intentionally vague.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I am not a gamer, but, that is stepping over many lines. The gamers that use that site should all use "anti-semitic," hate speech and white supremacy language until it melts their servers to slag. What? They gonna ban every single one of their paychecks and users and have them arrested? Another reason I limit my on-line participation with gaming sites. I like the old, on-line Tank game but they got stupid and I quit. The company begged me for a while to get back on and pay my dues as a bunch of others did the same and it hurt their bottom line.

wendyworn said...

I saw some of the comments from gamers saying they would no longer buy ubisoft games. voting with your dollars is a powerful tool. I quit two games I was playing because they got all woke about ukraine. literally deleted the apps off my computer and have not been back

Phil said...

Squashing speech leads to action.

wendyworn said...


wendyworn said...

Yeah - Im sick of it. great comment

Steve said...

How...I mean.....What the hay!?!? We have defunded and denigrated the police for so long; there aren't enough folks to fill shifts. Departments are understaffed and aren't able to respond to events in a timely manner. Now, they're going to have to "regulate" on line speech!?!
Oy vay!!!

wendyworn said...

LOL Steve - must be just a bluff like the irs