Wednesday, February 8, 2023

What State of the Union Address?

I thought only presidents can give SOTU addresses.

Didn't watch it. Don't care, not even enough to listen to highlights or rebuttals. Why ruin a perfectly awesome birthday? I'd like to thank everyone who made my birthday so special – especially Cederq who gave me a big shout out over on

My car is running again after over a month. I forgot what true freedom was there for a minute. Bought a second electric heater yesterday so we are doing good for heat, just in time for 20 degree weather.

Back to work today. Kind of looking forward to it. It gives my day a little structure.

Hope you are well. Take care out there.



Steve said...

The little bits that I saw; reminded me of those parliament guys in Britian. Loud and frequent guffaws, chortling and genuine disbelief.
Prez mashed potatoes for brains looking far off into the ether. Yeah, not a great presidential look. Really made me feel safe. (snark).

wendyworn said...

yeah. what a joke!

Cederq said...

Oh, just little old humble me... it was 'nutting. I am glad it brightened your day and your car is fixed, tomorrow the sun will rise bright, the birds will chirp gaily for you and avoid especially your car and unicorns will sprinkle farts in your path and Publishers Clearing House will come visit you with checks in their hands.

wendyworn said...


bob said...

I'm in Florida and had Hughes Net, when the contract was up so were they. Could not believe the deal they wanted to make to stop me from cancelling. Cancelled anyway and went to Quantum Fiber. Best thing I ever did.
Happy belated Birthday, and many, many more.

wendyworn said...

thanks Bob! yeah they are absolute thieves, I'm surprised the deal I was able to make - it may have had to do with my extensive use of the word extortion.