Friday, February 3, 2023

But It's Totally Not Racist

I work for an extremely woke company. They embrace every single woke agenda item there is. Literally every progressive box is checked. The HR people have their pronouns listed at the bottom of their emails. It's really disgusting and ridiculous.

I was reminded that February is Black History month when I got an email on the 1st. It was from the (company name) Black Alliance. My very first thought was how can a company have a black alliance? All hell would break loose if people got an email from the (company name) White alliance. I don't understand how that isn't racist? The temptation to raise holy hell about it is strong, but I know I would lose. You have to pick your battles.

It is still safe to discriminate against the evil little Bots who always seem to have locked the last fax in my queue and it is after the people who can unlock the file have gone home for the night. But I'm sure once AI has equal human rights, if not downright preferred status, the days when hating them openly will be over. Next we will have the (company name) Bot Alliance. I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Evil bastards.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Oh, the month I dreaded working in a hospital that over half the staff was "woke" before woke was cool... I use to put in suggestion in the hr broad's suggestion box about having a White History Month and it was anonymous and they went bat-crap crazy trying to figure out who kept stuffing the box. I typed them out on a sister's typewriter so my definite writing style would not be discovered as the phantom white power writer was. I never said a word about it while on duty, like you I know that wasn't a battle to lose your job over. We can keep our mouth shut, do the job and know all of them are dumb jerks and worthless.

wendyworn said...

LOL! That is funny. I bet they were going crazy trying to find out who the white supremacist was in their midst. Such a double standard.

Cederq said...

Take a peek over at the blog...

wendyworn said...

Too funny! Do you think they will shut down my blog if I say white lives matter?

Cederq said...

I have no idea of the fickleness of the tards that inhibit their paltry jobs that were created to give the chronic un-employed a "job"... You guess is as good as mine, but, I do like to take it to the edge.

wendyworn said...

I know you do! And thank you for all the shout outs at bustedknuckles. My readership is really growing!

Gregory said...

I feel exactly the same way. I am so sick of reverse racism I could puke. Oh, I am white..

wendyworn said...

you and me both Greg. thanks for commenting!

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Cederq, that is funny shit and the first time I ever heard of someone pulling the same joke as me. Probably thousands of us out there.

TechieDude said...

I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat.

After St. George Floyd, my company was busting a gut to get as many "Women of Color" to work there as they could. I had to help out one of these diversity hires. Surreal.

I'm certainly sick of seeing all black, all the time, commercials.

Probably the funniest thing in the whole black everywhere media, is a commercial for adult diapers. It's a rather...uh...full figured, older black woman getting ready for her big date. And the date is with what looks to be a well off older huwhite man.

Yeah. Probably not going to happen. Guys I know of that vintage and stage in life have their pick. And they wouldn't be picking Evelinda from HR.

Anonymous said...

Probably because we already have eleven of them every year.