Saturday, March 25, 2023


I've been pretty busy lately. I'm getting that spring cleaning feeling. I had yesterday off and spent the day running errands and doing laundry.

The park managers have planted new grass seed between me and the laundry room and have it cordoned off with caution tape so I have to drive the long way to get there. We should normally have a couple campers this time of year but so far it has been very quiet. Hopefully it picks up soon.

Been trying to stay away from the news as much as possible. They seem to be re-hashing and releasing stuff we already knew about two years ago. Didn't care then, don't care now.

My plan for the day is finish up my house cleaning and reorganize my pantry. My father in law told us he is planning another visit at the end of April but hasn't been able to nail down the dates yet. Looking forward to that.

Anyway, that's all for now. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Miss Wendy, if you have that strong of an itch to spring clean and reorganize, I have a small abode here in communist paradise that needs your attention and tender care...

wendyworn said...

Lol! I would totally help you out cederq!

Cederq said...

Ya know, you are right about the rehash of news and chaos, I guess we will have to get use to it, they don't create, they destroy. I don't have broadcast TV, I have a TV, but it only hooked up to a DVD player and I watch movies. Boring, huh? So I can't converse about inane shows, news on the boob tube or gack, sports... If I wanted to watch 22 guys tackle each other and slap each other on the ass, I would go to a San Francisco bath house. I would rather read, wander around a museum, listen to a summer concert in the park, visit antique stores and flea/swap meets then watch sports.

wendyworn said...

me too. in fact I noticed it's beginning to be garage sale season. I look for them whenever I go into town.

Cederq said...

One thing I miss in the South is their penchant for having garage sales on roads for miles. They set up weekends for this. it's great! Another, is established flea markets outside towns where you can rent a table/space for a low amount and sell to your heart's content. Flea/swap meets are in a true Southern's DNA...