Tuesday, March 21, 2023

You are Here

I was going to write about the possibility of Trump's arrest. I've seen stories that 'yes he will be arrested' and 'no he won't be arrested'. Not really sure how I feel about it either way. I wouldn't be shocked in any case.

Here are some excellent posts:

This Has Got to Stop

Sunday Trends On Limited Hangout Social Media

A Dose of Reality: Can You Handle It?

Hope you are all doing well, take care out there.



Cederq said...

Can I leave that Venn diagram? I don't like being there, makes me as nervous as a long tailed cat in a wheel chair convention. Trump, a lot of writing as it is. Can't trust what anybody sez anyway.

wendyworn said...

I'm with you on that!

Steve said...

I'm hoping they do arrest Trump. And follow through with their kabuki theater.
That way, when the normals arrest Biden. Pelosi, the Clinton's and others; "they" won't be able to scream, "greatest threat to..."
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

wendyworn said...

I like that idea steve

Matthew W said...

I was pretty sure the arrest would not happen.
But I was also pretty sure they wouldn't spy on Presidential candidates, spy on a sitting President, spy on American citizens, imprison citizens without bail, raid the home of a former President, frame a 3 star general for a crime he didn't commit, two fake impeachments, force people to take an experimental medical treatment, openly steal a Presidental election.

wendyworn said...

me too. yes, they can get away with anything now a days.