Thursday, March 30, 2023

Skynet is Here: Work Edition

I have written before about my personal issues with the bots at work. Yesterday, I had three back to back instances of bots in my files. The supervisors can't kick the bots out for the first 15 minutes so I had to wait. While I was waiting, I got an email from a high up IT specialist (who actually listed pronouns after their name. She/Her) which introduced the new ChatGPT feature. Now we have to go through the Chatbot in order to contact our manager if there is a customer service issue.

As of now, it is only for times when a customer service issue needs a manger to deal with it, and for people that are working the phones. You do have to download the chatbot onto your computer beforehand. Luckily, I am not on the phones and I will not be downloading the program. My experience with the bots is that they make a lot of mistakes and they lie about it. The last thing I need is them being on my personal computer possibly sending out horrible emails in my name. No thank you.

I'm sure it starts with this, but soon, you will have to use the chatbot to talk to your manager about anything. Then the chatbot will BE the manager. Wait and see.

It's not that we need any more weapons of war being used against us, but this technology is being implemented faster than we think.

The above post proves my point about the bots being liars.

Moses, when talking to the burning bush, asked God what he should tell the pharaoh about who sent him. God answered, tell them I AM who I AM. This is why the following video bothers me so much:

I almost named this blog post, “Is AI the Image of the Beast?” I'm beginning to believe it is. You can come to your own conclusions. I will leave you with this video. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

If it gets to the point where this interconnected neuro interface with a computer, I will go full Luddite! There is too much technology and it diminishes humans and we have far reached that point. Look how lazy people have gotten with their cars, entertainment, socialization, even child rearing, let the damn TV babysit...I will not argue with a robot and these companies that use these damn robot when calling them to "find" out what you want and direct me to where they think I should go. I have yelled "representative" into a phone more times then I can recall. Had a human answered it would have taken a hundredth of time then getting the damn bot to give up.

wendyworn said...

I agree wholeheartedly!